Heater core/matrix

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I reckon if we got the right members together at the moment, and got them to stand close together in 2x3 formation they could go to a fancy dress competition as a box of half-a-dozen eggs.


Have you had the car for over 30 days / follow up citizens advice regarding issues when you brought it. These issues are all related to your initial problems you spoke to the garage about. Even if you want to keep the car there will a cost for this work. I myself would be speaking to the garage again to arrange a final contribution for the cost of the repair. I would be laying it on thick, and stating that a healthy contribution would stop the car been returned and stop the hassle and expense of possible legal action. Polite but no nonsense firm with a few legal facts to back it up. Also if needed I would be reminding them of the power of social media to ones reputation.
Even if you have to blag it a bit you have nothing to loose if you want to keep the car anyway and much less hassle for them to part with a bit of cash to make you go away quietly.
Uncomfortable pressure is also applied if this is done when they have other potential customers around.

Good luck :)
Abs warning lights come on now :lolwe have just sat and laughed about it.no point getting down anymore onwards and upwards :thumbs
Well my other half as just found me a heater that plugs in to the cigarette lighter so me and my son won't be cold on on the school run.9.99 ebay :thumbs
Well my other half as just found me a heater that plugs in to the cigarette lighter so me and my son won't be cold on on the school run.9.99 ebay :thumbs

Nice idea but a couple of candles will be just as good, re us being confused it would be a good idea if when your other half posts he signs his name at the end, I sign mine every time and there is only one of me, as for heater matrix I have several, but it is a complete dash stip to get at it, quite a long job, Rick
Abs warning lights come on now :lolwe have just sat and laughed about it.no point getting down anymore onwards and upwards :thumbs

Check the sensor wires to the wheels, if you find a break try very hard to repair it, they are expensive and dificult to remove, Rick
Haha, like this confusion.

It's not illegal to drive without heating. You are going to suffer steamed up windows until it all dries out though. If you can park your truck on a driveway so that you can run a mains extension cable without causing a danger then I would be sticking a fan heater in to help dry it out.

If you open passenger door you'll see the trim on edge of carpet known as a kick strip where the door closes. This has some plastic screws which can be a pain to remove but will come out. Try removing this trim which will allow you to lft the carpet up a but too. Try putting some towels or old newspaper under the carpet to help it dry out.

Also water coming into the passenger footwell can be other reasons so keep an eye on it just in case.

Once you get the matrix sorted you'll really love and trust the truck and I can honestly say that my original truck that I have owned since 2002 has served us well and probably saved my wifes life.

When I had my leak from the drivers side firewall grommet, I used puppy training pads under the carpet, and upside down on the top of it, but under the rubber mat. Worked a dream at soaking the worst of the water up, before using a heater to dry it right out, but do remember to crack the windows so the moist air passes out, otherwise it just condenses up behind the roof lining, and causes all the windows to steam up every time you use the car.
When I had my leak from the drivers side firewall grommet, I used puppy training pads under the carpet, and upside down on the top of it, but under the rubber mat. Worked a dream at soaking the worst of the water up, before using a heater to dry it right out, but do remember to crack the windows so the moist air passes out, otherwise it just condenses up behind the roof lining, and causes all the windows to steam up every time you use the car.

Dam good idea there Clive:thumbs
Thanks will try it.and I've banned him from coming on here:lol
Check the sensor wires to the wheels, if you find a break try very hard to repair it, they are expensive and dificult to remove, Rick

Are there abs wiring/plugs under the drivers seat? I've had problems in the past because of 2 different size drivers and the need to move the seat forwards and backwards, disturbing the wiring.
Are there abs wiring/plugs under the drivers seat? I've had problems in the past because of 2 different size drivers and the need to move the seat forwards and backwards, disturbing the wiring.

You're thinking SRS harnesses for the side air bag seats, I don't think Annette's will have those.

If it's ABS light has to be sensors attached to the hubs, check the plugs and wiring :thumb2
Right decided today it's not the heater core leaking as the carpet is p### wet through again and there's no pipes connected to the heater core.but what I can't understand is why when the pipes are connected does steam come out the vents and hardly any heat or air even when on full?tempted to re connect the pipes and put up with the steam just so I can get a little heat.drove for a hour today and got out of car freezing we are going out in car dressed like we are going antarctic :lol
Water leak.

Might be worth checking where the hoses pass through the front scuttle in case they have deteriorated. Hoses can fail quite unexpectedly.

With the hoses disconnected you will have some residual water in the Matrix that could continue to leak until its empty especially if a flow of air continues from one end of the hoses you disconnected.

Cant explain the stem though!
Know nothing about this really but is the heater air filter wet some how, could this stop the air flow but allow steam to generate. :nenau
OK rewind a little and try to answer the questions so that people get the facts clear again.

Am I right in thinking that the heater pipes were disconnected in the engine bay?

Which foot well is wet or is it both?

Do you have a sunroof?

How about this for a theory!
The passenger side has an inspection panel below the black plastic trim that the wipers poke through. The water drips through the heater from this leak and some of it runs on to a hot heater matrix causing steam?
This leak is a really easy fix but after we've established facts again and others have seen my theory we can talk you through the fix for this leak.

Really hope we can help you put this problem to bed.
Have you had the pollen filter changed? On my wife's T2, we were getting hardly any air out of the vents, and when I took the pollen filter out, it was terrible... there is a picture in my project thread, all the dips were nearly full to flat.

As for steam, I wonder if water is getting in as explained in the posts above, and landing on the heater motor speed control resistor. If the pollen filter is blocked, this resistor could be getting very hot.
Have you had the pollen filter changed? On my wife's T2, we were getting hardly any air out of the vents, and when I took the pollen filter out, it was terrible... there is a picture in my project thread, all the dips were nearly full to flat.

As for steam, I wonder if water is getting in as explained in the posts above, and landing on the heater motor speed control resistor. If the pollen filter is blocked, this resistor could be getting very hot.

Theres a download showing how to change the pollen filter:thumbs
Where abouts is the download please thank you to everybody for your help we really appreciate it. :clap