Well got back on the job today although a bit late at 1pm as got called to the steak house re diswasher not working now when you have over 100 sittings in a evening it is very hard without a commercial dish washer, any way the heater element was blown and it is very different to domestic stuff, anyway had to do something so found a domestic element of 2.5 kw but its mounting was very different so out comes Mr angle grinder and I was back to a bare element, after thinking bend it and fix it in with epoxy, realised that the ferrels on the old one were bonded on so tried a pair of grips and off they came, but hole too small, so out comes the drill, now they fit, mix up a bit of epoxy and they are on, back down the restaurant and fit it just before 5pm when the evening is just getting started, anyway success, I hasten to add that this is only a stop gap repair to keep them going on one of their busiest evenings.
So now back to Phils motor, did the HB cable, and the exhaust, and cleaned up the bumper frame and coated it all over inside and out with underseal, is is one of the most rust free mounts I have seen just a bit of rot on the wing out riggers, so tomorrow got two CVJ boots to do plus disks and pads, front prop from a scrapper and refit the bumper frame and bumper, sorry no pics just too busy, Rick