Goodbye Patrol, Hello Terrano, again!

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Nice motor good choice! If you are at the Southport caravan club site (which is a very good site which I recommend) take care with your bikes, mine was locked to the caravan along with my wifes and some nasty thieving barstwerd cut the lock and stole it! This was between 11am and 3pm.... regards bri
Richard Get the alko short handle off ebay and 25mm spacer should have no problems if you fit alko stabalizer dont like blade types as they put downward pressure on towball.Car looks nice.
the alko i have, i dont recall its model, though was hd version of 1300 though
not the 2004 range. anyway it wont take a short handle. cure seems
to be to space out the hitch though wary of how much spacer can have.

my ball is still under the wheel vertically, yet fronteras seem to have very long
swan necks so ball is outside the line of the spare.

as for blades, surely its the other way around as theres an element of reverse
loading with arm in tension, or is it compression. think in US are known as
weight equalisers though are usually doin in pairs so one either side.

its the extra friction from the alko i'm not happy about, though if paired with
an alko ball will atleast be designed for the stresses.

plus removing the blade's drop plate receiver would aid departure angle.

i will try it and report back, suspect the coupling needs servicing first.
my alko is the 2700 version,

may put it on, if move ball out.
that said finding hitching up with regular
greased coupling a pain with the spare

having to open door a little.

oh gosh, just found our old troll for sale
at dealer we traded it at, £6495 omg

cant see that being book price, went past
a nissan agen other day with an 05 troll
on forecourt at 9995.

hmm we'll see, good luck to 'em the garage
and the buyer.
I have a cheat for needing '4 hands' to unhitch with built in locks on greased hitches. I put a luggage strap over the spare wheel, lift the hitch and tighten the strap to hold it up. Then wind down the jokey wheel - sorted :thumb2

oh, and while we are talking towing, towsure do a cheap alko type ball!
The alko balls are apparently manufactured to the same stress loading as conventional tow balls. Only differences is the length of the neck (to give clearance for the stab head) and of course the price :thumb2

they seem to sit further out from the car, and the ball is higher and a towsure one is only about £15! I have one on my t2 most of the time and use to to ow all sorts of things right up to max legal weight (never more than that honest! :augie) I just clean it off with a spray can of brake cleaner for alko hitches :thumb2