Glow plug light on td42 24 volt

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Jun 12, 2012
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Hi, having problems trouble shooting a glow plug problem on my td42 24 volt safari. Started with the glow plug light occasionally not coming on at cold start. Flicked the ignition a few times and it would light. Problem has got progressively worse and now have no glow atall.
Have checked all the obvious fuses from the manual, and everything points towards the glow plug relay, the problem is I don't know where it is! The manual I have is nun to helpful either.
Any ideas welcome, to be honest electrics scare me!
Only just seen this and I might be a bit late replying but maybe I can help.

The system uses a relay and a control unit seperately. It also uses a temp sensor on the engine.

You may not be aware but when you turn ignition on glowplug warning light comes on and glowplugs are working, but they can also stay on after the light goes off depending on what the control unit requires. If you listen carefully, you can hear the relay click off a few seconds after you see the glow light go off, also you can see a slight change in the voltmeter as it does it. As soon as you turn ign switch to start the glowplugs are shut off whilst cranking and may then come back on for a programmed time afterwards.

The water temp sensor is on the passenger side of the engine near the stat housing, it's the rear of the two. You can test the sensor using a multimeter set on resistance(ohms) and expected readings are 5.6 kilo ohms at 0 degrees C and 2.5Kohms at 20 degrees C.

The control unit is behind the drivers side footwell kick panel.
The glowplug relay is under the cover next to the battery on the drivers side. It's the front most relay of those positioned against the inner wing and it's black in colour.

All this detail is from a 12volt version, but almost certainly the same as 24v location wise, will just have different voltage controller and relay.
Thanks form the reply, managed to track the problem down to the relay timer in drivers kick plate. Fortunately was able to find a loose connection and solder back together! All seems well for now!
Hi, having problems trouble shooting a glow plug problem on my td42 24 volt safari. Started with the glow plug light occasionally not coming on at cold start. Flicked the ignition a few times and it would light. Problem has got progressively worse and now have no glow atall.
Have checked all the obvious fuses from the manual, and everything points towards the glow plug relay, the problem is I don't know where it is! The manual I have is nun to helpful either.
Any ideas welcome, to be honest electrics scare me!

we have the y60 workshop manual in the workshop manuals section :naughty:thumb2