Getting tired of chasing the rot

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Cheers Jim :thumb2
The body mounts are solid so I've left that part in.
I've just fully welded the two skins together around the body mounts then that will be fully welded to the new floor.
Got a stiffener channel to weld to the underside of the floor and some strengthening plates for where the rear seat mounts bolt up.
Hopefully will have it back on the road by the end of the year.
Got a bit more done today despite the wet weather.
First job was to set up the tarp.

Welded in the strengthening plates for the seat mounts and put a stiffener across to give it some strength.
Another trial fit.
Still a bit of flex in the plate so I'm going to add another stiffener just behind the seat mounts.
Good news is everything lines up as it should.
First job in the morning is to give my welder a going over as it was being a pain and jamming up.
Got a new Swan neck and wire liner to fit.
Hopefully that will sort it and I will get the floor welded in tomorrow.
I am no expert, but as the two seat catches form the seat belt anchorages for potentially three people, including the centre lap belt, I would think some more metal is required in that area.
Just my thoughts...:nenau
Uncle Rustic :thumb2
Yeah as mentioned in the post I'm putting another stiffener in across that section,I'm also going to put some braces in from front to back.
That sheet is 2.5mm thick so once all welded and braced will have some strength in it :thumb2
Made a bit more progress over the weekend :thumb2
Most of the floor welded in and n/s arch done.
Forgot how horrible galvanised steel is to weld :lol
Fantastic mate, looking really solid. Another person who's workmanship is putting mine to shame.

I'm sure you are but hope you are using a good breathing mask if you're welding galv, nasty toxins there pal.
Yeah, wouldn't weld galv without a decent respirator.
Had to do it all one handed as I can't use the helmet I've got so it was mask and face shield. Starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere now at last.
Yeah, wouldn't weld galv without a decent respirator.
Had to do it all one handed as I can't use the helmet I've got so it was mask and face shield. Starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere now at last.

scare stories, I have welded galv for for many years and I am still here at 68, Rick
It does stink when you weld it :lol
The acid etch primer I'm putting on when finished is the nasty stuff.
Feel like I'm getting somewhere now:thumb2
Will be ready to have another coat tomorrow then on with the plastic trim.
Brilliant well done, looking loads better and should last for years.

Just as an idea is it worth doing the rear inner sill whilst it looks accessible, the section at the bottom of the rear quarter panels at the back of the car. My old truck failed mot and to be repaired there a few years back.
The rear section of the inner has also been replaced, primed and had a coat of black on it.
Was only about 4"that needed doing but I cut it out to the middle body mount and replaced the lot.
That's had a big chunk cut out aswell. If you look you can see that I've shortened it by about 3"and made a new bracket that the plastic part of the bumper slides into. :thumb2
Bloooomin lovely that.. Coming on well...
Passenger side all finished and back together:thumb2
Just the last bit of the drivers side rear arch to sort out and then fingers crossed it will be back on the road.