fun social group now closed.... sorry

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neither just pure conundrumism with a touch of clever hypocrisy


:rolleyes: :doh

Thomas Fuller said:

"A hypocrite is in himself both the archer and the mark, in all actions shooting at his own praise or profit."

Nothing particularly clever about hypocrisy, thats why I gave you the or option. Or to put it in modern terms the words "foot , in , shot" & "own" fit neatly :lol

Point proven....again :thumb2 I think at least one of extremes comments has been elevated beyond any contradiction.

Love it, lmao and time to offski, this thread is way off line for the reasons extreme has mentioned.

thats why I posted what I did:rolleyes::augie:augienearly every thread now is taken well off topic by pointless rubbish, chats etc

The first rubbish contributor on this today after extreme brought it back on line with some valid points, to those debating it both on line and via pm at least, was ssteve the second was :augie

Pointless & derogatory , at least last nights off topic was amusing ;)

Anyway even BGT is more interesting bye for now :thumb2
some members, do enjoy chatting here. some like to or want to meet up
not everyone is interested in just technical stuff although i guess that's what most want. me included

but rather than just having a pay to view technical site. some do actually want to make the club a place to come for fun , ideas, advise and so on
creating a club atmosphere

if this site is just 4x4's why is there a section on caravans then ?

now i don't have any interest in caravans so you wont see me posting in the caravan section much .... and if i was to post on caravans, it would not be to just drop in and make some silly comment "yawn" if your not interested dont bother with the thread if you have nothing else to do . why not go watch britains got tallent "you might learn something"

we can all act like kids but some of us prefer to have grown up conversations
how long someone has been a member has absolutely nothing to do with this or any thread. because you was here longer does not make you a higher grade member than someone who joined today

otherwise i could argue, i have posted more than someone else so therefore i have had more input to the club

or red trucks put you higher up the pecking order than someone with a green truck. just because red ones look better

but that would be really really childish

if you have paid you membership you have an equal right to your place in the club .
Extreme i've been a member alot longer than you:augieI have over the years took part in some fantastic chats regaurding all sorts of stuff:Dtake mundy last thread about his front suspension hights for an example who took it off topic:augie& as for your coment I may learn something if I watch a certain tv program I take that as quiet an insult because over the last 12 years i've had to relearn how to read & write thanks to quiet a bit of my memory being wiped when I had meningitis at 21 TBH I have prob lost more memory regaurding motor vehicles than you'll ever learn

i dont know who did take it off topic then ?
i take i you mean this thread Lifted ?
Yip thats the one (of many:augie) But if you can't work out who took it off topic then I feel it's time you gave up being a Mod:rolleyes:& NO i'm not having a dig at this person it was just the first one that came to mind going off topic

but i dont moderate that section.... for that you would need to speek to terra ,toolbox or roscco

should they quit too ?
Wow wow wow i thought we had sorted this as a silly mistake whats this all about:nenau:nenau

It Seems some members just like a good fight rather than a good joke:rolleyes:
Come on lifes too short, :rolleyes:

So who is going for a pint:thumbs
well as most people know i am only allowed to mod the wales section,
i think the other mods might feel a bit put out.
if i start telling them how they run there sections
Wow wow wow i thought we had sorted this as a silly mistake whats this all about:nenau:nenau

It Seems some members just like a good fight rather than a good joke:rolleyes:
Come on lifes too short, :rolleyes:

So who is going for a pint:thumbs

I'm having one or two of these mind altering topic changing down right cheeky prostate pushing pints :D

Now get a life guys :thumbs