On the balancing thing, is the idea to get all 4 wheels equal or just side to side?
If side to side what should the diff be front to back?
Never done it on a Terrano.
What you are trying to avoid is the effect you get in the pub when one of the legs of the table is too short (you know the one you fold a beer matt up and shove it under the leg) the short leg is the equivalent to an underloaded/adjusted suspension corner - you don't want your car rocking.
Need to check and adjust tyre pressures first.
You can't actually change the front to rear or side to side weight distribution except by moving things around in the car like the battery etc.
The method is take each corner weight and then work out the front to rear and side to side proportions. Then you are aiming to get each wheel as near as possible to its part of the load.
ie if you have a 1 tonne (1000kg) vehicle with a 55/45 front rear and 53/47 left/right proportion te ideals are as follows.
Front Left 1000 x 55% x 53% = 291.5kg
front right 1000 x 55% x 47% = 258.5kg
Rear left 1000 x 45% x 53% = 238.5kg
Rear right 1000 x 45% x 47% = 211.5kg
If you add up those 4 figures you get 1000kg again.
Its not always possible to get bang on but thats what you're aiming for.
Next stage if you're serious is to start moving stuff around, battery, washer bottle, spare wheel etc - not really applicable to a road going 4x4 but the basic principle is the same in that you don't want them to be too far out so its important to et te ride height set as close to perfect as possible.