Fire under bonnet today!!!!

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
This has never happened to me before but is a warning to everyone to check under the bonnet at least once a week!

During the school run today we could smell burning and thought it was a fire outside.The car was running fine so i didn't give it a second thought.We drove about 3 miles home,got out and could still smell burning - deffo electrical.Then suddenly my son screamed as flames started spewing out from the front grill and bonnet.I got everyone out of the way and ran into the garage for the fire extinguisher,popped the bonnet slightly and gave everything a good dosing.

It turns out that the battery clamp (the part that holds it down),had come loose and one of the long threaded rods had fell out.This allowed the clamp to turn through 90 degrees and was touching the live terminal of the battery,causing probably the worse case of short circuit you could wish for:eek:

The battery itself was on fire,the casing totally melted and acid all over the loom.

I hosed everything down with water,let it dry then loads of WD40.

Anyway,after re-building part of the loom and fitting a new battery (£110 !!!!:eek:), Everything seems to be ok.I've fitted locknuts to the clamp and will be checking it regularly.

I'm just so glad my Mistral is a diesel,i dread to think what may have happened with 3 kids on board.

Is this a known issue or have i just been unlucky?
Think you've been unlucky there mate but lucky with the kids :rolleyes:
My battery is held in with a clamp at the base of the battery, no clamp over the top , so no chance of battery welding:augie
glad you managed to get everyone out, just shows how easy these things happen, so your off to tesco's tomorrow to stock up with underpants then, :nenau

Lucky (or just good thinking) you had a fire extinguisher handy. !

About 10 years ago the battery on my Nissan 1400 died.So eventually after being towed home at 2am I decided to disconnect the battery.As I touched the terminal with a spanner the battery exploded with an enormous bang!

I was completely deafened and partially blinded.I made it to the kitchen and washed my face,hands and eyes in milk as I was covered in acid.Mrs 4wheel then packed potato peels on my face (excellent for burns) and after about an hour I was able to see and hear (sort of).My face was very red for a week and quite badly cut.There was not much left of the battery and for years I found bits in the garage.

So you never know what to expect with a battery.I must say I am pretty nervous when disconnecting terminals these days.:eek:
There's an old saying that I was told when working on/removing the battery or jump starting another car...

Negative First & Last!

Don't know if this would have helped in the above examples though, but I think it's worth remembering.

