Finally Retired completely due to dodgy blood pump!

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Aug 20, 2008
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Well went into work today and ended the Casual Contract I have had with Mercedes Benz of Derby for the last few years having worked as a driver full time from 2004-2014.

It has been a struggle this year due to ill health so have decided to call it a day work-wise.
Mixed emotions but just need to make the most of my twilight years and try to do more of the things I enjoy.
Sorry to hear that bloke.

Take a load off, kick back and enjoy life... may not be as bad as you think!

Chin up!

Sorry to hear.

Enjoy the rest and relaxation, bet you end up busier than ever though:)

Time to buy a retirement car? is still for sale :augie
Very best wishes for your retirement, you will not regret it. I've been retired for two years now and loved every minute of it.
Second stab at retirement !

Very best wishes for your retirement, you will not regret it. I've been retired for two years now and loved every minute of it.

Second time lucky for me perhaps. I first retired at 55 and had a gap year but ended up working again as I could not cope doing nothing all day plus the wife was still working full time.

Now the wife works three afternoons a week so I am not on my Jack Jones all day. TBH I would like to have carried on for another year but my body would not let me.

I now plan to do a few things that I have never had enough time or energy for such as Fishing and some light DIY. It was a huge milestone for me when I had to get someone in to fit my new Bath & Shower having done the last Bathroom & Kitchen refurbishment myself.

Since I was 15 I have always serviced my own brakes be it fitting brake pads, brake linings, fitting a new master cylinder or new brake lines. This weekend I am getting a mate from work to do an oil service and fit new brake pads for me. I am now officially old!
Second time lucky for me perhaps. I first retired at 55 and had a gap year but ended up working again as I could not cope doing nothing all day plus the wife was still working full time.

Now the wife works three afternoons a week so I am not on my Jack Jones all day. TBH I would like to have carried on for another year but my body would not let me.

I now plan to do a few things that I have never had enough time or energy for such as Fishing and some light DIY. It was a huge milestone for me when I had to get someone in to fit my new Bath & Shower having done the last Bathroom & Kitchen refurbishment myself.

Since I was 15 I have always serviced my own brakes be it fitting brake pads, brake linings, fitting a new master cylinder or new brake lines. This weekend I am getting a mate from work to do an oil service and fit new brake pads for me. I am now officially old!

Ted, as you know, as my health deteriorated, I now find myself engaging the services of third parties. A great shock to the system at first, but when you get around to doing it a few times, it is much easier to do, and nice to know that when you get home from a tiring day doing your hobby, that other tedious and boring jobs have been completed.

The most important thing is you have decided to retire at the right time, another three months might just be the last straw. I guess Wendy will be pleased to share your company, and you can get out more during the working day and visit places during the week when it is quietest.

No more commuting, travel after 9:30 am when the roads are clear ... magic.

Quality of life is the most important thing, but you do need your health to be able to do it. Take your time to plan things and enjoy your time with your family.
Best regards,
Richard and Roz,
I feel for you, I really do, I consider myself very fortunate in that I work for myself so retirement is not an issue, in fact I am busier than ever, but everything I do is done more slowly now, and I have some lads that I can rely on to do the jobs I can no longer cope with, my role now is becoming more administrative rather than hands on, so I am still keeping my customers happy whilst doing around 5 hours a day, and this will be cut down in the near future, the point is I can pick and chose, if I do not feel motivated to work tomorrow then I will potter around the yard doing anything I fancy and stress free, so my advice to anyone suddenly retiring, is find something you like doing and do it on a part time ad-lib basis, but do not sit at home doing nothing, regards Rick
I feel for you, I really do, I consider myself very fortunate in that I work for myself so retirement is not an issue, in fact I am busier than ever, but everything I do is done more slowly now, and I have some lads that I can rely on to do the jobs I can no longer cope with, my role now is becoming more administrative rather than hands on, so I am still keeping my customers happy whilst doing around 5 hours a day, and this will be cut down in the near future, the point is I can pick and chose, if I do not feel motivated to work tomorrow then I will potter around the yard doing anything I fancy and stress free, so my advice to anyone suddenly retiring, is find something you like doing and do it on a part time ad-lib basis, but do not sit at home doing nothing, regards Rick

Good advice from Rick, a guy I respect as he has a good work - life balance, and is not afraid to adjust it to suit how he feels.:thumb2:thumb2

I spend most of my efforts improving our boat so we can spend more time on it.
The latest, we are in the middle of making new cockpit cushions, things do take longer, rest times between jobs take longer, but don't overdo it, as it takes a long time to recover from that.
Uncle Rustic
Task for today - Clean Pond Filter.

Thanks for all your posts I certainly intend to do more of what I enjoy. Nice that is a warm spell at the moment as well.

Today I have cleaned the second chamber to my pond pump system (first chamber consists of filter brushes etc). I have not cleaned the second chamber for about 4 years and the flow went to a trickle overnight !
It is a self cleaning filter as it is a reverse flow with a gravity return. Usually just needs a light clean every 2 or 3 years
However the weight of detritus just stopped it flowing through the system. I have replaced the coke medium as used in sewage farms with some light weight plastic medium to make it an easier task to clean in the future.

Four buckets of very smelly waste later and she is as good as new. The pond water should return to clear in about 4 hours.
I learnt an awful lot from my building works in the early 80's, lots of our work came from a local estate agent and often consisted of wealthy retirement couples hoping to enjoy there last days in Bexhill, one in particular comes to mind and was soon to become a regular norm, give or take a bit, this Guy was a top notch high flying trouble shooter for a multinational very well known company, spent many years travelling the world,spending a year or so in one country sorting out the factory production till it was back in profit, then off to another for similar, so their offspring were educated in various countries until they all got married and fended for them selves, need less to say they did not see very much of their kids or extended family as they were always jetting round the world, then they retired and came to Bexhill, bought a 7 bed 4 bath large property that was in need of a refurb, this was where I came in, tens of thousands later and it was spick and span ready for the kids to visit together with grand kids etc, as they had never had a garden this property had a very large one, which was tended with great enthusiasm, and "H" became a great friend as well as a very good customer, my partner and I would often call in on a Friday late afternoon when we were done for a scotch or two, and also get few pointers as to how to improve our business, so the upshot is golf became a washout, the garden became too much due to poor health and had to employ a gardener, and great big house rarely had more than two people in it, I saw this guy go down hill so fast it was untrue, when he first retired he was on stand by and was due to go to Argentina on a trouble shoot job, but the Falklands war put paid to that, had he gone to Argentina I am sure things would have turned out very differently as he would have eased into retirement, as it was he felt dumped and useless, we did try to encourage him to join a rotary club or some such where his organising skills could have been put to good use, but as 30 odd year old's we did not feel good trying to tell a 70 year old hi-flyer what best to do with his life, anyway they decided to move nearer to one of their offspring in Lincoln, nice place swimming pool and all, Looked in on them once but they made a bad choice as Lincoln has high calcium content in the water, the very opposite of what "H" needed, and clearly they were on a fast downward run, never heard from them again, very sad, point is for most people in employment retirement is the last thing you need, the thought of being able to play golf every day soon wanes as does tending a large garden cos you have never had one, one reason we shied away from buying a full live aboard narrow boat, because as you get older you need medics more and that is not so easy when continuously cruising, message here someplace but heat and scotch taking its toll, regards Rick