First the bad news...

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Jun 14, 2012
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While we were on holiday one of my ferrets became ill and we ended up having to have him put to sleep.

Aero was a very special ferret, and had been with us since a baby, which resulted in him thinking he was more human than ferret, and as a result spent a massive amount of time with us. He came to all sorts of places with us, every steam fair, PR event, and holiday. To say we were gutted is an understatement, we lost our best friend.


Now the Good News...

While Aero has to have been the most special ferret we have ever had, we have been lucky enough to have other special guys over the years, who have also made a huge impact on our lives. Something that has always been a bit strange though, is when one of those ferrets have passed on, within a week or two, without us looking, another ferret has arrived almost as though sent to us to help heal our hearts... Aero his self was just such a ferret.

So there we are, still in deepest darkest Wales (Actually, the weather was the best we have ever had), feeling very down, and both in our own little worlds, as everything kept reminding us of Aero, especially as the place we were staying was also the same place that Aero went on his first holiday with us, and got up to all sorts of fun and games, so there were lots of little reminders everywhere we walked. A couple of days after loosing Aero, a guy we have never met before who is only staying on the site for the weekend, comes over and asks if we are the couple staying on site with Ferrets. We chat, a bit half heartedly, as the last thing we wanted to hear about was an old school ferreter regaling stories of things he had done to his ferrets over the years, which they always seem to want to do, and many, while the way it was done in the country many years ago, do require a harder heart than we have.

Anyway, he tells us about some kits he has had, and how he has a ferret that keeps producing "Silver" coloured kits, which is a rare(ish) colour in ferrets. We mention that we have never had a silver, and he says that he has none left this year, but if we want, he will save us one from next years litters. Since the chances of running into this guy again is pretty slim, after all, we are 290 miles from home, on holiday, we say how kind an offer it is, and will think about it.

So he goes off back home at the end of his holiday, and we never did get a chance to swap numbers, so the whole thing is put to the back of our minds, and we slowly try to get out of our "funk" and enjoy the remainder of the holiday.

On the Wednesday, 1 week after Aero was put to sleep the guy turns up on the caravan site out of the blue, with a ferreting box. He decided to pop back to the site for the day to do some fishing, and decided to bring one of the Silver kits to show us at the same time. He tells us how he is keeping this one, so we can't have it; many many times, and passes her over for me to see. She cuddles straight into me, and starts giving little licks. After an hour of me and Suz taking turns to cuddle her, he suddenly says, "you can have her if you want"... Now I am speechless, the idea of having her, had never entered our heads, so we had not even considered it, let alone spoke about getting any more ferrets at all, especially as it seemed a bit disrespectful to Aero so soon after him leaving us.

Now Aero had a buddy, called Chomp, and Chomp adored Aero, and was now concerning us, as he was in an even worse "funk" than us, and we were struggling to get him out of it. When we first had ferrets, we lost one due to her pining away when she lost her friend, so we had been trying to distract Chomp with extra walks, and outings, but he was still very down. We wondered if this little girl might be just the thing we all needed.

To shorten the post down a bit, suffice to say, we kept her, and she is the most fantastically temperamented little monster we could wish for, already giving kisses, and playing chase with Chomp, helping to stop him moping around.

So it looks like Aero also sent us a little ferret when he passed on.

Meet, in keeping with our chocolate name theme, Poppet.

So sorry to learn off your loss.......I still miss my little friends after many years, love ferrets, and so pleased for your new terror.......looks like a real sweetie.
Best of good luck, give her a tickle from me.
Well done......:thumb2:thumb2:thumb2
I used to have 17 ferrets at one time :doh When we had two litters, sold most of them and kept 4, two Hobs Joe & Zak, they were both massive guys and Joe would nail you if you were not careful. Had to dip him in the pond to get him to release his bite. Two Jills, Daisy (albino) and Delilah, they both had growths in them at the same time and had to be put to sleep. I have none now as you know they are very susceptible to cancers and growths...

Just have two chicken for the nippers to look after...
Really sorry to hear about your Areo:( & know how hard & upsetting it is to make that judgement call. Not really one for ferrets myself but Poppet has a sweet & cheeky looking little face & i'm sure she'll give you both years of enjoyment:D
No way aero was cool! :(

The new addition to the family looks cool too though!

Take with one and give with the other, it will all play out well for you in the end :thumb2
Sorry to hear of your loss but what an amazing story. Looks like a little cutie but had no idea that they had such personalities. More of a dog person and love my labs to bits tho the pup is very hard work.
Thank you all so much.

At our highest, when we took in 3 adults, and 6 kits for our local rescue, we had 21 ferrets, plus as we did boarding for people when they go on holiday, we had up to 15 of them as well at one point. Place was a mad house.

We are back down to a slightly more respectable 13 now though.

Most people who meet our ferrets for the first time are surprised at just how interactive they are, and how much character each one has, they are an amalgamation of a cat, dog, and 2 year old human, taking most of the best bits of each animal, and the repetitive annoying behaviour of the 2 year old.

No way aero was cool! :(

You are so right.

One of my babes on a day out, Delilah I think...

Very nice, surely the size of that one, it must have been a hob, not a Jill.
Its a family member in every way

Know how it must have felt mate.
Our special needs Chihuahua Half-Pint died 3 weeks ago and he is sadly missed at our house.
We are waiting a while before we have another but we still have two others to fall back on.