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i am going to see if a new clamp helps, if not, then will see if I can buy a new positive lead, i just cant see if its broken or not.

just thought, what size are out positive cables? i am thinking 11mm, but my clamp is for an 8mm i think?

nip into your local car shop and ask for commerial battery terminals, they are the right size, i replaced mine with a lead from a diesel transit and it fits the clamps perfectly. :thumb2
cheers guys, I was thinking more about getting a clamp to fit my existing positive cable first, as I cant be certain the cable is broken-it doesnt look it but I cant be sure. Probalem is I Dont know what size it is, measuring with a ruler isnt very accurate! local motor shop didnt have correct size clamp..
right, measured it. the clamp i have is 11mm, but the cable has been forced into that. cable looks to be a few mm bigger, so the bit thats forced is all squashed and broken! had a look online, cant finda clamp that goes bigger!
hi guys, can anyone do me a favour? odd one, can someone tell me how thick their positive lead is? Mine was forced into an 11mm clamp, and is subsequently broke/messy, i get the impression the cable is 12/13mm? its just I cant find a clamp big enough, they seem to stop at 11mm. I plan to go to a motor shop later today, but could do with a guideline if possible!!
If you need a +ve terminal I can get you one, if you PM me your add. I will see if I can get it in the post tommorow for you
If you need a +ve terminal I can get you one, if you PM me your add. I will see if I can get it in the post tommorow for you

Have you got another one?:rolleyes:
Mine has been er madetofit:augie
Also need a better -ve one too as the damn thing keeps working loose no matter how hard I tighten it!
ok, got the new clamp from toolbox today, many thanks, but it still isnt big enough for my positive cable, I am convinced now that my cable isnt the right size! I measured it, its at least 14mm, maybe 15. certainly NOT 11mm. Does anyone have spare cable, or know where I can get a correct one? Also, this cable, does it go directly to the starter? Its just its all wrapped in tubing and tape, and load sof other wires are also, and I cant tell if these are attached to the positive, or seperate!! help!!!
Sorry to hear it didn’t fit, that was the size that fitted mine ok, there are bigger sizes available but unfortunately we don’t stock them at present as all our tractor cables are the size that I sent you.
Try a lorry garage or tractor garage in your area, some one will have one.
The cable only goes to the starter terminal and does not branch off anywhere else along the way.
Sorry to hear it didn’t fit, that was the size that fitted mine ok, there are bigger sizes available but unfortunately we don’t stock them at present as all our tractor cables are the size that I sent you.
Try a lorry garage or tractor garage in your area, some one will have one.
The cable only goes to the starter terminal and does not branch off anywhere else along the way.

perfect, thanks again Jeremy. I will try two things, one local motro shop on Saturday, see if I can get a bigger clamp (or lorry garage as you say) OR I will get a smaller cable that will fit!! if its straight through as you say, then its an easy fix apart from taking the wheel off! this cable might even be the cause of my problem...
well, cant find anywhere that sells battery cable. so i went to maplin and bought a 10mm battery cable...butI am thinking this isnt the correct type of cabel i need, anyone know where I can get an 10/11mm starter motor cable from?

the one i bought is a flexible type cable, multicore, with 105 degrees on it, doesnt sound right to me.
ok, ordering from there, but lol, what size and ampeage? i reckon 9.8mm, thats 170amps, or 11.8, 400 amps?bearing in mind that the clamp is 11mm....

any clues as to the correct size cable please? its the only thing holding me back! i dont have an original one to compare, and I dont want to buy the wrong thing...
Bigger is best for starter cable etc - less loss in the cbale so more ooomph at the starter.

er...ok, I will get the nearest to 11mm that I can, because the one i have is 14mm, an dclearly that aint better, cos it dont work!!!

I have to have my MX6 at the garage tomorrow, so going to check with the mech there, see if he has any lying around!
hi chaps, losing the will to live!

I got a new cable today, fitted it and still have the same problem. I turn th ekey, get a quiet click and nothing. with the key in ignition an dlights on, I can hear a buzzing sound coming from the cable area, sort of where the earth wire fits to the engine, where the six connectors are, you turn the key to start and that noise stops untill you release.


what could this be? I dont want to start wasting money, the cable cost me £30 on its own! So far I have changed the ignition switch (not a NEW one granted but it was from a working Terrano), changed the cable. Battery is fine, not sure if the starter is fine because the wack test isnt working. I dont fancy buying a new starter only to find that isnt the problem. What abotu earthing wires? could they cause this issue and buzzing sound if they were corroded?

ok, but that doesnt explain its stalling....hmmm..how can i test that the starter is working without taking it out? tried taping the solenoid, zip.

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