Facebook and Twitter?

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Sep 20, 2004
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What are they? What can people see about you? Who can see you? Can I create an account with a username that doesn't include my name?

Not had anything to do with these web sites, thought sometimes that I may be missing things. So many questions about them and don't really want to add anymore info out there for people to see and find. Can someone please explain and really am I missing anything? Is it really worth bothering with?

Well, I'm a member of facebook. What you do is make a profile with infomation that you want to put e.g favorite music, films books and whatever. You want. You can also put things about yourself a bit like what we do on here. When you are done creating your profile, than you can enter a name into the search bar and if you find a friend that you wish to add, than you can press (add him/her). When you press this a message will be sent to him/her saying for example (Ryan mccrae is adding you as a friend, do you wish to accept? then you press accept request or ignore request. (I can't remember the whole thing:doh, but it's the same if someone sends you a request. You can also set your profile to private. This means only people who you have accepted can veiw your profile or you can set it to privacy off, this means anybody can veiw it. I have it on private. You Can also play games, add photos and videos, chat to people or private message them. There's quite alot you can do to keep intouch with friends. If you got any more questions, just ask:thumb2. Ohh...yeah, I don't know anything about Twitter lol:doh
think you can alter your name, after all fb doesnt do a check as such and i certainly
see folks on there with made up middle names or nick names.

as for twatter well who cares seems for more egotistic? posting status updates and
having firends, well fb can do that but they're friends and can do so much more.

photos is bit like photobucket type sites.

you can have open messages, chats, private messages like here, just seem more
you can lock down your Facebook account, I have, so all anyone can find if they do a search, is your name and yoru profile pic and your list of friends (if they are open to being viewed) Any information you put about yourself can be locked down, which is what I have done. You can certainly make up an account, I have two, one real, one made up!

Facebook is a giggle, I enjoy it because I have a lot of good friends on there and its funny to see their amusing posts, but I suppose it depends on yoru sense of humour too!

I dont use Twitter as thats more of a live blog to me...
Cant see the point in twitter though facebook can be a laugh.

Yes, especially when Debs tells us all what a meek and mild boy you really are LMAO!

Twitter is complete bollox for neurotic, egostistic w@nkers to tell you what they had for breakfast and when the took a dump....or for them to read what some vacuous z-list celebrity is doing.

Twatter it should be called.:doh
If you leave a list of your friends open to all, anyone who gets to your profile can send messages to all your contacts, and then look at their comments they have sent to you.
An employer can see what you get up to, on the day you claimed to be sick.... As if...

So if someone has something interesting about you true or false, then they can send information about you to your friends. :eek:

Personally I have an account and I don't use it, there are too many people I don't know wanting to be friends, they could be anybody.

For example..
I'm going away on holiday on....... the cat is going to the cattery....
Message: My house will be empty for * weeks etc come and raid my house..
I don't think so.

The service is great BUT don't post personal details, birth dates, addresses, bank details... you get my drift, even photos, or where you work, people can find you follow you.... :eek: Am I paranoid?

There are people harvesting information about you all the time.
They may only want your mother's maiden name..... bingo..

As with any public site, be aware what you post. :doh
since I locked mine down, i hardly get any unwanted requests. I dont get any stupid farmville shite, or any other apps for that matter..!

i think facebook is a good laugh, so long as you can lock it down enough, otherwise you just get bombarded with crap!
since I locked mine down, i hardly get any unwanted requests. I dont get any stupid farmville shite, or any other apps for that matter..!

i think facebook is a good laugh, so long as you can lock it down enough, otherwise you just get bombarded with crap!

I don't lock mine down much TBH but then nobody cares about me LOL!

But its those Farmville and other stupid 'apps' that are doing the data mining.:doh
Facebook is to security what swiss cheese is to solid....

Twitter is only really worth consideration for business or if you actually have something people may be interested in.

Facebook on your mobile, Twitter becomes redundant.

I have a facebook profile, it's under a fictional name and contains deliberately misleading information in some of personal data. I lock it down very hard. I only have it because some of my friends are singularly useless at staying in touch, but witter away on FB all friggin day. Trivia is king.

To be honest, the simplest question to decide is this:

Do I have a lot of friends who use Facebook?

If the answer is no, then get on with your life, because you really aren't missing much.
Well different people get different things out of face-book so use it how it suites you. As for people getting your details when you don't want them to, DOH don't put in any details, most of your friends will no them anyway. Game and friends requests have a tab that says ignore, just click it. If you get a friends request and your not sure? do I no them don't I no them, just ask them who they are, where they are, what they are. Ive done just that this week and rekindled an old friendship with an old army mate from 30 years ago, I have more army mates now than I did when I was in {priceless}

I prefer :rolleyes:

A mobile phone :nenau

Why put your life on the net for all to see & yet more info for crims.....