mine will be sat there telling all and sundry what a bunch of juvenile delinquents we are apparently:doh:augie
Blimey, she'll have her work cut out when she meets my lot :lol:lol:lol
I feel a quiet seat in the corner coming up:doh
mine will be sat there telling all and sundry what a bunch of juvenile delinquents we are apparently:doh:augie
Cool, what is it you do then? Maybe that will help. Do you want to be small holding again?
Do you like snow, sand, hills etc
May have to start a new threadincase we get in trouble
o no doon't want to get in trouble again
Ok new thread it is
I'm off down the pub
A room with a view of poeple getting wet:lol:lol.................................................................................................................................................................................................
well it always rains in Wales:lol
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