Engine rebuild and power mods

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Those engine stands make life so much easier Pete.
A friend of mine bought two of them, and with a bit of fabrication, was able to spit-roast the shell of a vintage aluminium bodied racing car he was restoring. He could just tumble the whole thing to work on any area he wanted.:)
It's been a bad day :eek: First off the blasted scrapyard has sold for export the Nissan with my pump in it :eek: He "forgot" I'd already paid for it and taken nearly everything off already , the swine :(
So that job shelved I went back to valve work.
That too has been a challenge and I conclude I don't really know what's what here. The manual states a 2.1mm contact surface. I don't seem to be able to get that. I've either got too much or not enough, I'll explain.
Here's one of the pitted valves I've been grinding away with :eek: and there's a small clean bit near the edge where the blue has worn off.

and similarly on the exhaust valve

Is this the bit that should be at 2.1mm ?
Another pic of them side by side and the valve seats. Bit of a devil to get a good pic but maybe you can advise all the same Rick and co

As a matter of interest I pulled a few valves off my old head. Here's the seat size as best I could measure

and here's the head I'm working on

Basically, do I carry on grinding or just get them recut ?
Oh what bad news on the pump Pete, to be honest I would not have left it there once paid for, but more bad news on those seats defo too wide and the valves need to be completely clean no spots, if the book says 2.5 then that is the max, the valves can be turned/ground in a lathe to reduce the seat contact area, Rick
Time beat me on the pump front.Just one of those jobs :eek: Any way valves,so I can just get them reground at Mr Lathe and then lap them to the head , is that the deal ?
I'm happy with that really, this valve work was grinding me down :lol
The old vavles were shiny as anything but contact face nearly 4mm :eek:
What effect would that have had on the old thing ?
As said before bigger surface area = less pressure so more likely to crud up in no time, thin narrow seat = higher pressure on the seat so much less chance of gas passing = greater performance, and longer life, Rick
You cant just put them in a lathe and re-cut them you have to set the angle correctly. If you're stuck send me them and ill cut them all and send them back for postage. ;)
You cant just put them in a lathe and re-cut them you have to set the angle correctly. If you're stuck send me them and ill cut them all and send them back for postage. ;)

Top offer indeed Luke, yes please is the answer :lol
I bothered the local engine guy who could do it but not till after next week .PM me your address and I'll send you a set ;)
You're a star :D
Bad news on the pump Pete :augie

Luke has saved the day somewhat there though hey? What a place we have here :thumb2 :bow
Even more good news. Another pump sourced via faceache page ☺ and a possible Iveco pump from a 2.8 . Apparently delivers more burny juice 💪
You got that dial indicator and adapter Pete? Dial indicators are cheap but mounting it in the said way is not so easy, unless you have a machine shop at your disposal, Rick
You got that dial indicator and adapter Pete? Dial indicators are cheap but mounting it in the said way is not so easy, unless you have a machine shop at your disposal, Rick

Dial indicator is on this week's shopping list. Local machine shop I hope will help out on adapting it .
Got some more prep work done this afternoon. Fixing broken studs etc
Also did a proper job on the old EGR
My old zorst mani was pretty, erm, old lol but also had snapped studs and what not, so swapped for the better one off the new engine.

First job was to drill out this stud hole to refit my EGT pick up. Then tap it.

Put a bit of zorst assembly paste on for good measure :rolleyes:

Next up was to make up a blanking plate for the EGR port. I'm not refitting the pipe this time either. Weight saving see innit :naughty

That'll do it :clap

That's the manifold ready to refit, all studs and bolts present and correct :thumbs

Here's my old EGR blank plate I made years ago that was fitted on the inlet side. See how it's corroded quite a lot.:eek:
Worth bearing in mind for anyone else doing it, make it thick :sly

New EGR blank for the inlet side too then. Thicker this time :p

Simple nut and bolt job.

While we're here, my inlet blow off valve thing is no more . Also here is the turbo boost take off point.

Cleaned up the thermostat housing from the newer engine as my old one had snapped studs etc.
Scrubbed up well :D

and lastly today recovered my old ally thermostat housing and cleaned that up. All jointing surfaces cleaned and ready for refit now.

Valves wrapped up and ready to post to Luke in the morrow .