i will have an oil pump(providing its in good order)but won't be for a while yet.
As for the head bolts if they are still within tolerance they can be re used but for what they cost i always opt for new ones:thumb2
Keep putting the pics up Pete.
This is better than a Haynes manual!:thumb2
Lovely job Pete, did you remember to "GAP" the rings before fitting, I hope so, as for the tea spoon to clean the grooves I always used an old broken ring perfect for the job, Rick
Pete it is essential to gap the rings before fitting, what you do is fit a ring into the bore and push it down to the lowest part of the bore that the rings will normally go to with the piston, then feeler gage the gap, it has to be within the tolerance in the book, often they will be too tight which means removing the ring and filling it till the minimum gap is met, if this is not done then on heating during normal engine operation the ring will try to expand bigger than the bore, not good at all, Rick
So glad you understood, poss disaster avoided, Rick
Like a twit, I did it with the firstlot of rings before I found the oil rings were wrong. Then completely skipped that part with the new ones :doh
Have you looked at my timing marks Rick ?
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