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RICK what say you on this here oil pump ? I took it out to check and clean but noticed some pitting / scaring on the lobes :eek: It's not gloop or anything but seems to be surface degradation.

Don't suppose you have a nice cheap shiny one about do you ?
Ohh not good for a pump mate, I would be looking for another one, as it happens Elty should have one from the engine he will be removing shortly, but not sure when, I have several from petrol engines but none from a 2.7, Rick
I thought you'd say that lol
I tried getting the old one out of my engine but typically could not shift the blasted crank pulley :eek: Time for a puller me thinks :augie
Now then tonight I had hoped to have a bit of ring action :eek:

Sadly, access denied :doh
Turns out the oil rings are too big :confused:
Hey ho , back to the shops :surrender
Cam porn :sly

Had to use a bit of roll cage tube wrapped in a pillow case to clean the cam journals . Took a bit of finding but it's a good fit :D

Eeuw :eek:

Ah that's better, you can't beat a bit of loobed up shaft :D

I'm still waiting for the right size piston rings to turn up so I started to clean up the head end :nono
The valves were pretty nasty and some elbow grease applied.
Luckily they scrub up well :thumbs

Strange how some have pitting and most are absolutely sweet ? Bit of valve grinding to do once I find my rubber sucker :eek:

8 little soldiers waiting for action. That's tomorrow night planned then :doh

Now then if I have your attention, just how important is it to fit new head bolts on these old engines ?
Not sure about head bolts, don't they stretch? Would be a shame to do all this then have head bolts snapping when its up and running!

Which valve is the exhaust, big or little?
i will have an oil pump(providing its in good order)but won't be for a while yet.
As for the head bolts if they are still within tolerance they can be re used but for what they cost i always opt for new ones:thumb2
What did the cam set you back if you dont mind me asking? Did you stick to the profile you showed me or did they suggest anything different at newmans.
i will have an oil pump(providing its in good order)but won't be for a while yet.
As for the head bolts if they are still within tolerance they can be re used but for what they cost i always opt for new ones:thumb2

Cheers Elty but I took the one off my old truck today and found that to be spot on ☺
Also read the Nissan manual and it says the old bolts can be reused ☺
Keep putting the pics up Pete.
This is better than a Haynes manual!:thumb2

Oh alright then :D
First off I've done a very non man thing and RTFM (read the firkin manual ) :lol
Head bolts, according to Nissan are re-fittable :thumbs

I have at last got the correct piston rings all the way from Lithuania and set about getting the buggers in my slot :sly
As per the rest of this build, much cleaning of gunk required before the nice bit can happen.

Turns out the workshop tea spoon is just the right tool to clean ones slot ;)

Here they are sunning themselves briefly before disappearing into the cylinders for a very long time

I found it easier to fit the rings dry and then oil them, it was like chasing a bar of soap in the bath the other way round :lol
TOP TIP, remember, remember to check the rings for the makers mark showing which way is up :augie

Then it's time to squish them in . Moment of truth with a lot more oil and a judicial wallop with Mr Hammer handle :eek:

and they're in :thumb2

Shiney new shells , and a bit more oil on the con rods

Nissan making things easy here with those lovely matched up numbered parts :)

Here be the bottom end all together again and torqued up :clap

Next comes the gear timing :splif
Lovely job Pete, did you remember to "GAP" the rings before fitting, I hope so, as for the tea spoon to clean the grooves I always used an old broken ring perfect for the job, Rick
Lovely job Pete, did you remember to "GAP" the rings before fitting, I hope so, as for the tea spoon to clean the grooves I always used an old broken ring perfect for the job, Rick

I may have got a tad over excited today :augie I did the first set of rings I had but have to admit today I did not :eek:
I did "clock" the rings and did get them all the right way up.
What's the odds Rick ???
I can drop a piston still and check tomorrow if you think it's best .
Pete it is essential to gap the rings before fitting, what you do is fit a ring into the bore and push it down to the lowest part of the bore that the rings will normally go to with the piston, then feeler gage the gap, it has to be within the tolerance in the book, often they will be too tight which means removing the ring and filling it till the minimum gap is met, if this is not done then on heating during normal engine operation the ring will try to expand bigger than the bore, not good at all, Rick
I have found a usable oil pump. No bits missing off the lobes here and I know it was fine on it's last outing :thumb2

Oil pick up cleaned and refitted. Turns out this is the first part that does not have a gasket in my full engine rebuild gasket set :doh
Micro surgery on my old engine was needed to recover the old one .

Next job was a right pain. Getting the old gasket material off the back plate :(
Turns out my multi tool came to the rescue :D

Cleaned and on :)

Now then the bit I dread.Please check out my workings here guys,as there's a discrepancy between the manual and my actual timing marks ???
This is what I've done in my interpretation of marks and manual. Pump not in yet but that times to the Z marks.

This is what the manual shows ?

Then more cleaning of timing case ready for RTV sealant time, yuck.

Crank oil seal in and some bolts and nuts in this pic will be coming out again but put them in to cure the RTV sealant .

Last bit for today , vacuum pump clean and fit :cool:

Next I hope to get valves lapped and head on, but I need to learn about cam shims first :nenau
Pete it is essential to gap the rings before fitting, what you do is fit a ring into the bore and push it down to the lowest part of the bore that the rings will normally go to with the piston, then feeler gage the gap, it has to be within the tolerance in the book, often they will be too tight which means removing the ring and filling it till the minimum gap is met, if this is not done then on heating during normal engine operation the ring will try to expand bigger than the bore, not good at all, Rick

Rick, you explain it all so well.
Tomorrow evening I'll redo my piston bit :thumbs
Like a twit, I did it with the firstlot of rings before I found the oil rings were wrong. Then completely skipped that part with the new ones :doh

Have you looked at my timing marks Rick ?

I did but the pic is not clear enough for my eyes, but from what I could see it seemed OK, the vac pump does not need timing, Rick