DVLA Bar Stewards...

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one example is , i suspect a drug dealer lives very close to me , ive rung crimestoppers a few times and im asked things like " can you see a camera ? " ...... er no i cant say ive really looked is that important ?.....most of the neighbours suspect it too , but time will tell i guess

Youre right about time will tell.

Slowly slowly catchy monkey. Its no secret , many drug related prems have reinforced this that and the other in and around the place. Whilst somone is smashing their way in, those insode have time for a bit of damage limitation. Advance warning via cctv is one of their best assets. Need to know if they've got cctv so it can be beaten :thumb2
i dont understand this points and targets thing for so called efficiency...... surely a better level of respect would be gained by actually pointing out to minor criminals the error of their ways rather than think of pound notes and scores .

That mentality peaked under the last government.

I recall being told working the town centre i needed to do x number of non endorsable penalty tickets.

I refused.

I pointed out to the boss that I could do a months worth in a morning standing next to some confusing signage we had in the town centre. Id get the ticks but no one on the high street would ever speak to me again.

I wouldnt get any local info, intelligence or gossip and worst of all no cups of tea!!!!!!!!!!!

In fairness to him, he agreed and did something about it :clap

However that was years ago and "flexible". Under the last govt it was formalised and HAD to be done. The nanny legislation they passed meant discretion was all but binned.

Id rather have one burglar in than any number of no seatbelts and bulbs out.
my thoughts.... and it reminds me of an argument between my sister and brother, must have happened 30 years ago .
he'd just called her a slapper or something. and she just said its better to play the field than get kicked around it.

its the same for any of these SYSTEMS weather its the banks or dvla or anything

banks - only put in what you need to pay your bills by direct debit. keep the rest in cash. dont borrow bugger all off them , use the service but put nothing in

dvla - play the game do as they want . its a system it can work for you as well as them . it works for me very well
yes i have had my learning proses with the dvla had a few fines etc. but the fact they took the coppers actual people who can stand in front of a judge and say IT WAS HIM is a very useful tool for for messing up someone's life. its just awsome.... most people who have crossed me have fallen fowl of the system

im with daved its not anywhere near a police state. and to be honest if you asked the police . they are just as sick of the government and its stupid arse rules.

the reason our country is in such a poor state is because of systems. everything is mostly online now, its lazy without human intervention or understanding. basicly right or wrong or black or white.
the illegals and criminals use this to there advantage and bleed the system dry with the benefits and rules.

we on the other hand park our cars in the field off the road and dont sorn it. we are too lazy un organaized and mostly not interested.
apart from the occasional moan on a forum about how unfair the uk system is.

my advise dont be part of the system ... play the system use it to get ahead of the game and when they work out the system has failed they will change it.

but not for our benefit...

we on the other hand park our cars in the field off the road and dont sorn it. we are too lazy un organaized and mostly not interested.
apart from the occasional moan on a forum about how unfair the uk system is.

but not for our benefit...

I'm not sure how the hell you 'play' a system that clearly thinks that just obeying the law and parking an untaxed vehicle on private land isn't enough for them - that you are now required to report your every move?

Its the same mentality in my view that had people wearing yellow stars 65 years ago. :( Call that dramatic if you like but our personal freedoms are being continuously eroded bit by bit until we finally disappear up our own arses.
perhaps someone could explain why..... on the road out of brighouse towards bradford ( a main road ) just through bailiff bridge traffic lights on the left , there is a guy who regularly parks up to 6 vehicles at the roadside , im guessing he is a dealer /restorer ..... none of the vehicles are taxed
perhaps someone could explain why..... on the road out of brighouse towards bradford ( a main road ) just through bailiff bridge traffic lights on the left , there is a guy who regularly parks up to 6 vehicles at the roadside , im guessing he is a dealer /restorer ..... none of the vehicles are taxed

and you try reporting him....nobody gives a toss.:doh
im not sure if this is gonna work , but heres the google maps picture ..... look on the left of the pic , you will see the cars.

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=Bailiff+Bridge,+Brighouse&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=12.083905,39.331055&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bailiff+Bridge,+Brighouse,+Calderdale,+United+Kingdom&ll=53.722368,-1.776903&spn=0,0.002401&z=14&layer=c&cbll=53.724309,-1.776535&panoid=VPObPnfA8X23J80UuCkKxw&cbp=12,308.78,,0,5&output=svembed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=Bailiff+Bridge,+Brighouse&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=12.083905,39.331055&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bailiff+Bridge,+Brighouse,+Calderdale,+United+Kingdom&ll=53.722368,-1.776903&spn=0,0.002401&z=14&layer=c&cbll=53.724309,-1.776535&panoid=VPObPnfA8X23J80UuCkKxw&cbp=12,308.78,,0,5" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

oops didnt work sorry
i agree even down to the yellow stars bit. but again its about control much the same as any other society over the thousands of years of society.

control. hitler was not unique in his grip of the people. nor was he any more brutal than any other who has seaked world control, ... basic fact is society wont work unless they get you all under control (even you who parks his car on his own field).
comply or pay up

on a brighter note... i suppose we are lucky they dont put people to death for feeble mindedness any more..... because it was not just the nazi's who did that. the uk and us both did it legally well into the 1960's

but on the other hand this dvla thing could be an intelegance gathering tool to see who is dumb enough to sorn it then drive it. so they know who to steralise :augie

and based on some of what daved says. that might be the way forward in some cases :thumbs