One thing you will never have seen me post is that the system is perfect, far from it :thumb2
I also hope you do not count me as desiring to maintain the status quo. I am actually regarded as quite progressive and open to change

what I do want is whats best for me but i must also be able to sleep at night with a reasonably clear conscience. I think its fair to say most decent people are the same. Obviously many claim submitting politicians aren't but hey :nenau as i said the system aint perfect.
As far as perception goes, perception certainly proves the basis for opinion but not that often for evidence. We all need rules to live by, whether you aproach the boundaries or breach them or are even aware of them you generally do and should live within them in any society or group.
Decent folk even set their own rules when there's nothing to guide them. However common sense and common decency and instinct for whats right isn't actually that common these days.
Plus the last govt set a record for volume of new legislation passed. That has brought statute further and further towards everyone making things less flexible and no room for discretion. I don't like that but I have to live with it. But it certainly isnt a police state, more a nannified existence because many of the rules though adhered to are rarely enforced because its so impractical.
That means when people like paul commit an offence they're automatically hit. Enhanced automated admin also plays a part in that.
So thats where we are and some of the moves are superb others crap. The sorn admin is something any decent person doing "the right thing" has nothing at all to worry about and the benefits of it save YOU ALL money and do what everyone moans about frees cops up for real police work.
If you fancy living in a lawless society i understand Zimbabwe and Nicargua has cheap housing. If you want to see the effect of poor social administration and a slack grip allowing lawlessnes have a trip to Belize city , the current murder capital of the Caribbean. They had independence granted or revolution over the past few decades which has allowed rules to be rebuilt.
Even look at Iraq. Common feedback from many iraqis is "at least the water and electric worked with Saddam" you cant pleae all the peole all of the time. Pure democracy is inherently inefficient.
I put it to you, Paul admits his cock up and pays up. The system youre all moaning about also identifies other vehicles in the same situation . They go onto the Police system and are dealt with. A significant drugs haul is seized AND asset seizure after conviction solely as a result of the car being stopped for no tax. It has happened.
Sadly the system doesnt have the capacity to speak to all the pauls to warn them nicely but it does allow legitimate targeting of wrongdoers
Does it work? unless youre a junkie, of course it does. :clap:clap
If thats not a decent result please explain