Right oh all

aving a good time by the look of all this bull

Late to this thread 'cause I cant read very quickly:lol
I'd just like to say you're all wrong.............:augie
It's just another stealth tax, the default setting now being " get it perfectly right first time " OR you PAY :doh
Also , sort of related, but not having a go Daved, we were stopped coming home from a gig last week by the old bill:doh 2am in Carmarthen:augie
I had a dipped head light bulb out. I'd noticed it when we came off the motorway, but couldn't find an open garage to get a replacement. So foolishly I put on the fog lights (which on the Focus are almost floor level) so I wouldn't be mistaken for a motorbike. Anyway plod pulled me over for "Causing him undue distress" pmsl
There was no evening sir what's going on here then.
Just "Right that's £30 to start with" says the grining twonk

and so it went on...................................................and on..................................................and on

Why not just give me a bollocking and tell me to get it fixed? Oh No lets just fine the twat and score more points and less respect:thumbs
Bloody donkey's going to get some Karma soon, I asked Santa:naughty