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it is usually people with a vested interest in the status quo who vociferously defend it. If a system is a good one, it doesn't need defending as people can see that it works.

actually i'll change my post here......

please explain the difference between explanation and defence of a system :nenau
actually i'll change my post here......

please explain the difference between explanation and defence of a system :nenau

Dave,you are taking my posts too personally,it is usually the Governments and Police forces etc.who vociferously defend their tactics. Keeps them in a job,you see.
I put it to you, Paul admits his cock up and pays up. The system youre all moaning about also identifies other vehicles in the same situation . They go onto the Police system and are dealt with. A significant drugs haul is seized AND asset seizure after conviction solely as a result of the car being stopped for no tax. It has happened.

Sadly the system doesnt have the capacity to speak to all the pauls to warn them nicely but it does allow legitimate targeting of wrongdoers
Does it work? unless youre a junkie, of course it does. :clap:clap

If thats not a decent result please explain

But theres a massive flaw right there? The fact the drug dealer didn't tax his car, allied to the presence of ANPR, was what got him stopped, not the fact that the naughty boy didn't SORN it??? Just as I'd deem it a fair cop if I drove on the road in the same state. But given that I parked it up in a field why the f*ck should I be required to report to the state that I've done so? Next thing I'll be required to report when I'm taking a dump! LOL

I believe it to be nothing more than another revenue generation/Big Brother scheme frankly and it SUCKS. I cannot see how SORN benefits anyone positively....you always used to be able to 'de-tax' your car or park it offroad untaxed, except now it seems we are required as citizens to formally positively report to the state that we are obeying a particular law....thin edge of the bloody wedge if you ask me!!!
But theres a massive flaw right there? The fact the drug dealer didn't tax his car, allied to the presence of ANPR, was what got him stopped, not the fact that the naughty boy didn't SORN it??? Just as I'd deem it a fair cop if I drove on the road in the same state. But given that I parked it up in a field why the f*ck should I be required to report to the state that I've done so? Next thing I'll be required to report when I'm taking a dump! LOL

A serial very serious offender who had diasapeared from the scene was locked up (after a brief pursuit) when I was involved in anpr because................................

the dozy twat sorn'd his car presumably to avoid paying up and then drove past the team so the machine pinged him up :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

It works all ways. Honestly I have never stopped being amazed at the ingenuity and the stupidity in equal measures, of the human race.

Anyhow its xmas and I can hear a 1/2 price bottle of Tesco fizz calling my name :thumb2

Enough of politics and big brother

Happy xmas one and all :thumbs:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
I assure you not the case :thumbsin fact i'm more likely to turn up on your front door step dressed like a banana than take them personally............whats your address ?;)

See,typical bloody copper.:lol I haven't committed any offence and you still want to know where I live and threaten to turn up on my doorstep undercover.:doh:doh
A serial very serious offender who had diasapeared from the scene was locked up (after a brief pursuit) when I was involved in anpr because................................

the dozy twat sorn'd his car presumably to avoid paying up and then drove past the team so the machine pinged him up :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

It works all ways. Honestly I have never stopped being amazed at the ingenuity and the stupidity in equal measures, of the human race.

Anyhow its xmas and I can hear a 1/2 price bottle of Tesco fizz calling my name :thumb2

Enough of politics and big brother

Happy xmas one and all :thumbs:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap

But you underlined the flaw in your argument perfectly Dave - thanks:naughty....he would still have got yanked by ANPR cos his car wasn't taxed....all he did by SORNing it was deny himself an excuse like 'I forgot guv'. So my hypothesis that SORN does nothing in terms of aiding crime detection still holds. :bow
But you underlined the flaw in your argument perfectly Dave - thanks:naughty....he would still have got yanked by ANPR cos his car wasn't taxed....all he did by SORNing it was deny himself an excuse like 'I forgot guv'. So my hypothesis that SORN does nothing in terms of aiding crime detection still holds. :bow

Not quite, on small canvas yes, but on a bigger picture definitely not.

Let me explain.................4 intercept cars, 10 pings on the system which ones do they go after?

SORN (certainly used to) would take priority over fail to tax because theres a greater potential for further offences such as deception that go into criminality to be disclosed and less chance of error carried over from dvla because of how they do it in house ;) :thumb2 you actually allude to that enhanced level of offence in your own argument, the I forgot or its in the post defence is invalid ;)

Thats how he was caught. Everything to do with the reg on that car was evaluated by someone like me (or I used to ) and given a "rating" put on the system and the one with the higher rating gets grabbed. Its a lawful and proportionate but most of all a practical and effective technique, all outlined in the National Intelligence Model.

Always the chance he could have pinged up with one spare intercept vehicleon site, followed closely by a mass murderer in a car with 50 k of coke using red diesel in which case they would have taken a higher priority and the single available unit would have gone after them instead.

Thats life :nenau

Happy xmas :thumbs

enough of this bollocks, ive got call of duty black ops to have a look at :clap
Can i also point out im only farting about on line because she's watching Noels Xmas Presents :doh:doh:doh kin hate that man.

I'm more concerned about the fact that you've checked into a romantic little love nest and are watching telly and playing COD! :eek:

I think you'd better adjourn to the bar while I nip round and show her my new Mickey Mouse boxers....:naughty:lol
I'm more concerned about the fact that you've checked into a romantic little love nest and are watching telly and playing COD! :eek:

I think you'd better adjourn to the bar while I nip round and show her my new Mickey Mouse boxers....:naughty:lol


No chance, now she may be tempted if they were shrek ones

Not yet, still at home love nest from Monday :naughty:naughty:naughty:naughty
Right oh all:D aving a good time by the look of all this bull:eek:
Late to this thread 'cause I cant read very quickly:lol
I'd just like to say you're all wrong.............:augie
It's just another stealth tax, the default setting now being " get it perfectly right first time " OR you PAY :doh

Also , sort of related, but not having a go Daved, we were stopped coming home from a gig last week by the old bill:doh 2am in Carmarthen:augie
I had a dipped head light bulb out. I'd noticed it when we came off the motorway, but couldn't find an open garage to get a replacement. So foolishly I put on the fog lights (which on the Focus are almost floor level) so I wouldn't be mistaken for a motorbike. Anyway plod pulled me over for "Causing him undue distress" pmsl
There was no evening sir what's going on here then.
Just "Right that's £30 to start with" says the grining twonk:( and so it went on...................................................and on..................................................and on:confused:
Why not just give me a bollocking and tell me to get it fixed? Oh No lets just fine the twat and score more points and less respect:thumbs
Bloody donkey's going to get some Karma soon, I asked Santa:naughty
i dont understand this points and targets thing for so called efficiency...... surely a better level of respect would be gained by actually pointing out to minor criminals the error of their ways rather than think of pound notes and scores .

one example is , i suspect a drug dealer lives very close to me , ive rung crimestoppers a few times and im asked things like " can you see a camera ? " ...... er no i cant say ive really looked is that important ?.....most of the neighbours suspect it too , but time will tell i guess