We've been quiet for some time, but haven't stopped working on the Terrano :nenau
Since the last little malfunction I've flushed the oil of the powersteering.
Think it was the first time in 14 years...
Steering is a little more responsive now so it has done something.
After this the car got a good detail with a glass coat as finish.
Not to make it look any more beautyful but to make cleaning a little more easier.
And...I think it was the first time as well for the paint to give it some attention so it got a little better
Took me two nights, but today when I gave it a clean the dirt just flew straight of the car.
I've also taken out the front propshaft again to have it looked after by a company specialized in this stuff. Unfortunately it wasn't worth any rescue so another one is coming tomorow.
Also planning to change one u-joint on the rear, with the front prop of I noticed a small vibration coming from the back en found one joint with some play in it. Luckily I have one in the shed since I ordered a wrong one for the front a while ago.
There is also a new air mass meter on it's way. The old one isn't doing a proper job any more, had the trailer behind the car 1,5 week ago and needed to almost flat out to keep it on motorway speed :doh
On the way back erything was fine and it is something coming back and leaving once in a while so we will sort that out as wel.
And last but not least change the oil so we can make some miles again.
But stil... enjoying the Terrano