Dented roof and smashed sunroof

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I tried getting out the "top" door first :eek: it weighs a ton when it faces the sky :lol:lol
Seat belts are also a challenge to undo at that angle and then once undone you fall to the bottom like a bag of spuds :doh Oh the indignity of it all :lol

Proof, if wee needed it, pete would make a fantastic limo driver for a celebrity:lol:lol:lol:lol
I tried getting out the "top" door first :eek: it weighs a ton when it faces the sky :lol:lol
Seat belts are also a challenge to undo at that angle and then once undone you fall to the bottom like a bag of spuds :doh Oh the indignity of it all :lol

:lol Just reminded me of the time a mate of mine managed to roll his mk3 astra going up a 1:3 hill one frosty night. He and his passenger were left hanging upside down by the seat belts:lol Funiest thing though was when it got pulled back onto its wheels by a tractor, it rolled away and ran into his dads fiesta that was sitting down the road with the hazards on:doh The road was slippy and he fell on his arse trying to catch it:lol:lol
:lol Just reminded me of the time a mate of mine managed to roll his mk3 astra going up a 1:3 hill one frosty night. He and his passenger were left hanging upside down by the seat belts:lol Funiest thing though was when it got pulled back onto its wheels by a tractor, it rolled away and ran into his dads fiesta that was sitting down the road with the hazards on:doh The road was slippy and he fell on his arse trying to catch it:lol:lol
Classic :lol
I tried getting out the "top" door first :eek: it weighs a ton when it faces the sky :lol:lol
Seat belts are also a challenge to undo at that angle and then once undone you fall to the bottom like a bag of spuds :doh Oh the indignity of it all :lol

yea been there done that when banger racing, I was ace at rolling, but of course we had no glass at all so once harness undone roll out windscreen hole, harness designed for easy quick release but still end up in unholy crumpled heap, great fun, but by god you were lucky, another roll and you would have been over the edge, bet your heart was doing overtime when you saw it, I know mine would have been, Rick
but by god you were lucky, another roll and you would have been over the edge, bet your heart was doing overtime when you saw it, I know mine would have been, Rick
It wasn't just my heart :eek: it's also amazing just how much junk comes out the dash board :lol
Lucky day indeed :rolleyes:
It wasn't just my heart :eek: it's also amazing just how much junk comes out the dash board :lol
Lucky day indeed :rolleyes:

know the feeling, rolled a 32 ton artic on a roundabout in the 70's with 20 ton jam jars on, the ten ton bottle jack just missed my head, OH and was I glad I had a tacko on as it recorded my speed at 12 mph, in those days called slow roll over syndrome, not sure what the cure was but something to do with the 5th wheel geometry, Rick
Not this week :lol we got flooded 3 weeks ago though :doh Never mind, new carpet for crimbo :clap

must be real bad to get house flooded, I live by a stream but it is 5 ft below my house and rises 4 ft in heavy rain but land drops away rapidly so danger of flooding is very low, it would need to fill 20 acres of land below me before it would become a problem and as we are at the head/source of the waterway,do not think this will ever be a problem, but sorry to hear of your recent flooding, and hope it was only carpets that were damaged, Rick
Cheers Rick we live on a hill and the stream out the back is 20ft below us too :rolleyes: Trouble is the ruddy road drains didnt cope with the field run offs and then the sewers burst (hydraulic overload ) , result stinky water over kill in the house , at speed :doh
Only luck I was here, opened the cellar door to let it out as quick as it came in :eek:
My son's room was worse off, we keep him in the cellar :augie, anyway waterboard admitted liability so we waiting for the dosh now :naughty
Is it a bad time to mention I work for South Staffordshire Water lol

Well you can explain why road water goes into sewers :eek:
To be fair the water board have now fitted a one way valve to the sewer connection to our house.:clap
Remains to be seen how hard it is to get money out of them next :rolleyes:
Yes but assumed as thesummer flow is so low it wouldnt be financially viable. I await your learned reply :rolleyes:

think we have hijacked a thread here, but what sort of flow do you have in litres/gallons per hour, my stream in summer is slack, but never falls below 10,000 gallons a day and to look at it you would not dream it was that much it really is just a trickle over the rocks, when we have rain it must go to millions of gallons but I cannot measure that, Rick
what I did was dam it of and then then collect in a bucket, in my case less than ten seconds to fill 5 ltre, maths from there, if your streem is significantlly more than this then you have a useable stream summer and winter, Rick
know the feeling, rolled a 32 ton artic on a roundabout in the 70's with 20 ton jam jars on, the ten ton bottle jack just missed my head, OH and was I glad I had a tacko on as it recorded my speed at 12 mph, in those days called slow roll over syndrome, not sure what the cure was but something to do with the 5th wheel geometry, Rick

I can answer that for you Rick.

You can tip one over at 5 MPH, its called positive and negative camber causing the centre of gravity to move significantly in the vehicle that the kinetic energy then works against the force of gravity holding it to the road.

As you enter the roundabout and steer to the left (So you can drive round it)the energy is sent to the drivers side of the vehicle, as it returns to the centre, the vehicle would then be turning to the right going round the roundabout and the kinetic energy would move further to the passenger side than it would of if the vehicle was going in a straight line, this then causes the vehicle to tip over.

Its like having a bucket of water, if you have it half full and move it side to side at the same speed the water will get higher and higher till it comes over the top.

The 5th wheel stops the driver feeling the effect till its too late because that will move with the load, the first thing you would know is its going over.
replaceing sunroof

i replaced mine on my mistral and only took about 3 hours and that including cleaning a load of silicone that had been smeared all over it to stop it leaking but it did still leak when i bought it removed all plastic trim seat belt holders and removed roof lining gave me a good excuse to steam clean the roof lineing
as it had mould where it was leaking found front drain pipe had come apart and had a screw stuck in it blocking drain tube removed screw and removed sunroof only about 10 10mm bolts and out it fell fitted new sunroof that i got of ebay for £20 fitted jubilee clips on all the drain offs as there are four one on each corner refitted roof lineing and now have no leaks a sunroof that works and now a pleasent smell in the car well worth the work involved and looks tidy i would rather have that than some plastic covering it up and all the work involved trying to seal it up i am just a person who likes every thing to work but i do have air con too cncfabs should be able to let you have a sunroof if you need one at a good price i get most things i need from him :thumb2

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