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Just taken my truck to my friend Gail to have her bro look at the rot and he's pissed with the garage that tested it on the mot. But he's gonna weld it for me :D won't cost me as I'm doing the prep work:thumb2. So I'm going to cut the rotten bits out of my truck tomorrow. Mr grinder is gonna come out to play
Mr grinder is gonna come out to play

For safety's sake tie your hair back when using any power tool.
I am not having a go, but a friend of mine was using one of those flexible shaft/ chuck for an electric drill, and he didn't notice how close his hair was.
His hair wrapped around the drill shaft and so was part of his scalp. He had to go to hospital for stitches, and he was said to be lucky.:doh:doh

When working on anything electrical, I never wear rings or metal watch straps for obvious reasons.

best regards,

For safety's sake tie your hair back when using any power tool.
I am not having a go, but a friend of mine was using one of those flexible shaft/ chuck for an electric drill, and he didn't notice how close his hair was.
His hair wrapped around the drill shaft and so was part of his scalp. He had to go to hospital for stitches, and he was said to be lucky.:doh:doh

When working on anything electrical, I never wear rings or metal watch straps for obvious reasons.

best regards,


Yes I actually do, also I use propper ear defenders, goggles and gloves, I may act daft but with power tools, health and safety ALWAYS comes first in my books. No joke its somthing I take very seriously.
This is a very good point, sorry for the gore below but this is what can happen if a ring gets snagged and won't slide off.
Actually, I've decided to makes the images into links and the are pretty nasty;

Sorry, I'm not actually going to look as its the sort of thing thatll make me feel ill and it'll play on my mind.

I can't stand gore, that's why if my mums ever watching hospital programs dad and I will leg it to the other end of the house.

My mate mark caught his thumb when grinding and severed a tendon. I nearly puked when he told me. His ok I hasten to add
Here is part of my floor, this side got done first, other side was the same but it looked ok from the outside archso theMOT man passed it.

Christ, mine not as bad as that lol, will upload pic but can't yet as out broadband has finally died so I'm on mobile data network GSM that won't handle uploads
Bloody amateurs :lol
Here's mine a few years back :augie

I love you idea of tyre depth inspection whilst still sitting in the car, great idea for long mileage trips.
You can see you are good for 10 k miles there, and you didn't even have to move from your seat.:thumbs

Not sure it will catch on, but if off roading, you can see if those grooves in the tyres really do throw out the mud.:doh

How will you inspect the front tyres? :lol:lol:lol
Just taken my truck to my friend Gail to have her bro look at the rot and he's pissed with the garage that tested it on the mot. B

No Offense the MOT can pass it aslong as it's not within 30cm of a structural point and can only put FINGER pressure on the rot.

You have too much faith in the MOT. But surely the guy who fixed a ton of stuff for you before the MOT should of spotted it??
OMG !!! :eek::eek::eek: The further I look down this thread, the more and more thing are starting to look like what I see on the sea bed that were sunk in WW2 - and probably better condition too ;) :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

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