End of last week my dog Tigger jumped into the back of the truck while I was closing the big barn door, and this happened...
The front scar is what he did on the bottom corner of the door, he ripped the skin back and punctured the muscle on his shoulder. The second scar is where the vet had to open up to check to see if he'd punctured the chest cavity or the lung. It was f*****g horrible, but Tigger is recovering nicely now.
So the next mod is probably the one that is most important for me - or anyone else with a big jumpy idiot of a dog!
Yup, I'm going to bung some of that edging stuff around that corner - not now, I've just got up and I'm still lounging around in my pants, but later today!

P.S. Apologies for the swearword, but the matter has such strong feelings for me, and its an important matter, it could have killed my (admittedly very stupid) dog, and I bet there are loads of dog owners here who'd feel the same!