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I already have a winch ready bumper, so it would be bumper off, winch on, bumper on. But I'm getting an Ironman steel front bumper/bullbar/winchmount, so it'll get fitted with the new bumper.

Hiya mate, I spoke to a friend today and had a look round his truck, he has the same winch and rates it well. I also saw him yesterday at a pay and play site, he told me he got stuck and had to winch himself out, proper bogged down and bottomed out but it still pulled his 4.0 jeep cherokee out. He's happy with it, he bought it from the same place too, I'm considering getting one now :lol hope this helps bud :thumb2
Awesome news! It'll be a months away but I'll get one the same I get the new bumper bunged on.

Thanks mate :)
Still going mate... Just got back from a wedding in Scotland - made it up there and back with zero problems, while carrying a load of stuff! Also picked up a motability scooter for my mum on the way back too. 3/4 of a tank each way.

Now, if people will please stop having events that I have to spend my hard earned Patrol money on I could order the kit for my beast build!

Brian :)
P.S. Got super pissed and had loads of fun, almost had to fight to buy a round up there!

Picture of the day..
End of last week my dog Tigger jumped into the back of the truck while I was closing the big barn door, and this happened...


The front scar is what he did on the bottom corner of the door, he ripped the skin back and punctured the muscle on his shoulder. The second scar is where the vet had to open up to check to see if he'd punctured the chest cavity or the lung. It was f*****g horrible, but Tigger is recovering nicely now.

So the next mod is probably the one that is most important for me - or anyone else with a big jumpy idiot of a dog!


Yup, I'm going to bung some of that edging stuff around that corner - not now, I've just got up and I'm still lounging around in my pants, but later today!

Brian :)
P.S. Apologies for the swearword, but the matter has such strong feelings for me, and its an important matter, it could have killed my (admittedly very stupid) dog, and I bet there are loads of dog owners here who'd feel the same!
Woah, who would of thought the door could cause an injury like that, I bet it has happened to others too!! At least he doesn't need the dreaded lamp shade though :lol
greyhound skin is like tissue paper:eek: ive had similar problems in the mast with our old girl they soon make a mess of them selves! but tend to heal quickly also:thumb2
This happened a week ago and he's already bouncing off the walls! Every so often you'll hear a yelp as he realises his limits again!

Rubber edging and Gorilla Glue! Almost looks like a professional job :)

And Tigger is healing up nicely :)

Hell, that turned my stomach.... You'd never believe that could happen!
Top man for getting the edge covered:thumb2

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