Meet: Sunday 30th December 2007. Castleton. 0930.
Grid Ref: SK 14048290, landranger map series, sheet 110.
Leaving Castleton travelling West on the A6187/A625 after 500 yards take the right fork and the car park and meet point is on your immediate left.
Satnav: Castleton (Hope valley). Winnats road, crossing A6187/A625
CB: Initially set to channel 08 from 0915.
Any person wanting my mobile number please PM or email. It will also be given out on the day.
Attending so far:
See groupings below.
List now closed, anyone else will have to be on reserve list in case anyone drops out.
Reserves list:
Groupings Hopefully these will now stand but may alter if anyone drops out. I have tried to put experiance and novices in all grouops except mine and I will take all novices. I have wherever possible tried to keep vehicle types together too. Departing in no more than 10 minute intervals after the saftey brief at 0930 sharp. Be late and we will be gone, no exceptions, due to large overall numbers attending
I will keep bumping this up on a dialy basis from now till the 30th to keep people reminded.