Noooo no no no no no, read my signature, :lol :lol :lol
I"ll ask one of the technicians if they will be kind enough.
If you have someone to do it, then great, it is the worst one that I have ever changed, but after 18 years of ownership, I have learnt the knack.
Best done on a warm, not hot engine, you don't want to be scalded.
1 Prepare for the biggest oil spill since the Gulf, dropping a filter full of dirty oil is quite likely. So best to remove plastic under engine cover, before it fills with dirty oil, place loads of paper, card rags, under the engine to catch the spilt oil...:doh I use a mortar mixing board, doesn't blow away in the
2 access via near side wheel is best, jack up, remove wheel, remove inner rubber shield.
3 You will need a thin strap wrench, there is not enough room for a chain wrench.
4 The full filter can be jiggled forward, in the up right position over the chassis, and tilt at the last second and you can retrieve it with minimal oil loss through the inner wing.
It can be removed from the top, if you have a friend, but if on your own, it tends to fall over by the time you have got there...:doh
5 Clean up the area, then 3/4 fill your new filter with new oil, then attempt to replace it the same way the old one came out.
6 Smear the top seal on the filter with some clean oil, then align the filter onto the threads of the housing, watch out for cross threading, and tighten, When tight by greasy oily hands, I then wipe the filter, then with a pair of rubber gloves, you can grip it to tighten it even more.
7 Sometimes this isn't quite enough, so if it leaks, then using a strap wrench tighten a little more.
This is just the filter bit, clearly you need to drain the oil from the sump, into a container that can hold up to 7 litres.
In this instance, fit a new sump plug washer, as suggested.
Make sure sump plug is tight, not too great a force needed, then add the oil into the cover on top of the rocker box.
First add 4 or 5 litres, then check the dip stick, but allow time for the oil to get into the sump.
Slowly add more oil, but check regularly as you don't want to over fill it.
With filling the oil filter, sometimes the dip stick will show full, even though you haven't put the recommended amount in, this is because not all of the oil has come out.
You need to buy a minimum of 7 litres ( possibly 8 allowing for later top ups) of suitable oil, I find 10w/40 or 15w/40 castrol GTX mineral, or part synthetic oil works for me.
NEVER fully synthetic, and never thin oil starting 5w/... like some web sites suggest.:doh:doh This is far too thin, and you will burn it off.
I hope this helps, you can always pass this on to your friendly technician.
To my fellow forum members, please add or criticise any of my suggestions as you see fit. After all we have all learnt different techniques?
The first few times I did it, I did it from the top, I never spilt a drop either.
I was lucky.
To give me access, I stood on a step stool, which allowed me to reach the filter.
I once undid the filter wearing a rubber glove, it had enough grip without a wrench.
Following the advice on this site, I changed over to the near side wing access, easier to see what is going on.
best regards,