Right, just got in from work , made a short response to this from my phone browser, no idea where that's gone

but I'll just restate a couple of points, I have a significant real time interest in this subject and I have no doubts or problems with the motivation and morals of the majority of participants. My concerns are entirely professional and actually tend towards protecting the 4x4 brigade.
Ocelot, you have missed the point completely and I do wonder the motives of semi disclosing your background whatever the context unless its to (drum roll) give an air of mystery and suspense
A warrant card as you describe yourself holding and they used to be called is effectively a public document, its not secret, it is meant to be produced to identify you and accredit your powers ie what you are warranted by the relevant official bodies to do. Most, even at the highest clearance levels are happy to say what they do just no details of the parts that require clearance. eg I'm an electronics technician working on a confidential project. I actually had a friend who did that for a living. Programming systems on helicopter anti sub missiles. Never knew where he was working or the details of it.
Thats what puzzles me about your semi disclosure, its all over the place.
The reason behind vetting, checking out or security clearance. whatever term you choose is far from an exclusive club.Theres loads of us around and the levels range from a basic voluntary check way way up the scale where they know all sorts (friend of mine had a very interesting chat with the checking officer from London about his internet viewing habits :lol:lol:lol so he says anyway

) What security clearance serves to do is demonstrate at a certain time you are unlikely to be dishonest or corrupt not open to coercion. Most official or state employees have also signed the official secrets act too.
Pretty boring stuff really........no very boring actually (ps for any hackers or moles out there theres no graded docs on this machine at all

Now what does that prove as far as 4x4 response goes?
Very little actually.
The main point , and it is a good one, is that you are unlikely to disclose information inappropriately. eg someone transporting a care worker around is unlikely to later sell a list of all vulnerable folk to Billy Burglar.
So how do individuals carrying out voluntary work in 4x4s get "clearance". Mountain rescue are probably a good example. Part of the agreement up here that brings them in under the Health working umbrella is that each person on duty has been vetted and cleared. Thats why a lot of areas politely decline some volunteers.
Now the original point which Ocelot missed.
Depending on what your "warrant card" is and in the absence of up to date qualifications in several areas up to date you are in certain elements of training you probably are an untrained member of the public. More world wise, demonstrated integrity, maybe previously qualified but in modern accountable terms still an untrained member of the public.
Therfore carrying prisoners in circumstances an officer would not is what I have a problem with. Risk assesed yes, but the hazard remains at all times (look at the example I gave) and is very real. One persons risk assesment does not mean other qualified people agree. If it is essential a prisoner is transported it is unlikely they are suitable for transport by car. If they are at a level suitable for transport by car, legislation as well as common sense guides towards being dealt with by other means.
Some police services have failed in several forseeable areas under common law and statutory guidlines. Using your goodwill and enthusiasm is an ongoing sticking plaster fix. Like a sticking plaster it will fall off at some point. Thats when , maybe not you in your world but more "normal" people if they live to tell the tale could find themselves in worrying situations.
Things you may be asked at the subsequent enquiry,
"When was you last pst qualification?
when were you last first aid trained to standard?
when did you last do your driving course? have you got an accredited 4x4 qualification?
Can I have a look at the policy/decision log directing your operational activities?...............
I mean after all Mr Volunteer you were carrying out the role during a police operation of a police driver and that is the least they are qualified to"
Theyre just a few of the questions I would ask you, I suspect I wouldnt like to be trying to find the answers either. I strongly suspect silence may follow those questions.
This is nothing personal and as I said I admire the motives of most.
ps I would love to see the risk assessment that says no one will kick , piss or puke in your car.
or push needles right into the rear cushion (yes they can do it whilst cuffed) so they slowly work their way back out

honestly, things like that are what concern me.