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  1. M

    Rear worklights/Revesing lights

    you say you tested the current though the cable, thats only one part of the wiring, if the earth is poor it will give the same result as a undersized supply cable
  2. M

    Heating problems...

    no point in flushing until you know what the problem is, if the cold feed is blocked a flush will not help, if the pump is knackered a flush will not help, you problem needs to be properly diagnosed otherwise will end up overspending lets start with the basics, whats the make and model of the...
  3. M

    Heating problems...

    after checking the pump I would then start looking at the cold feed as stated above, cold feed is often ignored and people spend shitloads before they bother checking, a giveaway is if the header tank is full of hot waters the blockage occure between the open vent and the cold feed, when blocked...
  4. M

    usb cable hardwire

    you can get a voltage regulator for less than a £1, depends on how envolved you want to get into it, you can buy a prebuilt unit for a couple of ££ or you can look a little into electronics and come up with something like a L7805CV voltage regulator and fit that, the important thing is the...
  5. M


  6. M

    Terrano inter cooler question

    check waste gate on the turbo, might have got stuck open and that will give you power loss
  7. M

    Heater. . . . .again

    if you end up changing the matrix then welcome to the 'I took out me dash and changed me Matrix Club' just a note £14.00 part, 8 hours to do it
  8. M

    Heater. . . . .again

    from what you describe the matrix is blocked and the water is finding another path, pump is easy to check, disconnect a hose and start the engine, if coolant comes flying out the pump must be ok
  9. M

    Fixing your LCD Odometer

    the pictures need to be made much smaller as its hard to follow a sequence of events if you can only see the top left hand corner of each picture, apart from that thank you for taking the time to document a repair
  10. M

    Fully and spark but no go. Why is xtrail dead

    sure your cam belt has not snapped, I always thought a engine would sound really bad when a belts gone, until it happened to my sister in laws car, sounded the same and turned very easily turned out the belt was in bits
  11. M

    Time on my hands...

    if I had the room i would have a car ramp, seem to spend a lot of time these days working on my sons car, I've got 2 other boys 1 of which starts learning to drive next week, by the time all 3 are on the road I will probably need a full maintenance workshop
  12. M


    lol, not even a fair test
  13. M

    Air con rad gone ?

    ac pump will be fine as there is a electro-magnetic clutch that has to engage, once pressure goes the low pressure switch will prevent the clutch from engaging so its just the end of the pulley that will spin
  14. M

    Leak off pipe

    I'm guessing better than anything you get off ebay, at least the hose will be marked up with pressures and such, I bought some high pressure hose off ebay, it claimed to be high pressure but when it arrived there is nothing written on it so who knows, never used it in the end
  15. M

    Not a T2, Not even a 4 x 4

    VW lupo, 1.7 diesal, damn thing does over 60mpg,lol
  16. M

    Not a T2, Not even a 4 x 4

    Last weekends entertainment was a matrix replacement on my sons car looks like a mess but was pretty straight forward once I had worked out where all the fixings were hiding, got it all back together so he could use the car and **** me if the water pump didn't just start leaking, spent enough...
  17. M

    Lights behind LCD display in speedo / Clock unit

    the bulbs are T5 type bulbs 1.2w from memory
  18. M

    White smoke on start up

    no need to panic
  19. M

    No MOT Drive To MOT

    A Fail is a Fail, to return home all 4 wheels need to be off the ground, so you cant even use a spectical lift or be towed, doesn't even matter if you had a few weeks left on your current mot as the new Fail will make you old MOT instantly expire advisories however, as we all know don't count...
  20. M

    max power for a 2.7tdi?

    only way you will get a Terrano to accelerate quickly is in freefall