Recent content by melissachels

Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. M

    Halfords professional socket sets ?

    Yeah, I have one and it's yet to cause me any problems for 3 years now. Sent from my HTC One M8s using Tapatalk
  2. M

    Snaking and Why We Need Stabalisers

    I agree with rick, I taught myself how to tow and how to reverse with a horsebox(you can't see over it). I can competently 3 point turn, reverse park, negotiate hills and corners. I was either towing furniture or horses. horses move anyway & I've had one fall over in the trailer and not take...
  3. M

    A Clean MOT

    oh goody! :D:thumb2 another survives the dust!!:lol:lol:lol
  4. M

    Unilever Brexit Scam ?

    Ahh don't shop online please! this is the sole reason for most high streets and other store closing and lying derelict, its the same with those self check out ones........make people serve you! Its saves peoples jobs. otherwise we'll end up with only warehouse, robots checking stock in and out...
  5. M

    Sunroof issues.

    I still have the motor from mine if you need it Sent from my HTC One M8s using Tapatalk
  6. M

    Project terrano is underway!

    I was out in my garage again at the weekend some welding some penetration more welding Trans mission tunnel- suspended from ceiling to trim underside before trim after some trim still some to do seen this online & though well its free I'll give it a try. its meant for...
  7. M

    Elty001's terrano project

  8. M

    Team Wales weekend , the evidence ;)

    looks like you all had much fun :thumb2
  9. M

    not a good start

    I'm good, thanks Briggie, it's better they sort it now rather than later. There a push on the automotive industry to clean up. :thumb2
  10. M

    not a good start

    I don't know about, complains I'm too independent. Sent from my HTC One M8s using Tapatalk
  11. M

    not a good start

    it wasn't me :doh
  12. M

    I'm back!

  13. M

    My Mr2 project aka Tina

    ha ha ha gotta keep busy. photos as promised and before you say it...I didn't say which tomorrow i don't want a go kart:doh
  14. M

    My Mr2 project aka Tina

    I got myself a wee MR2 back in April because my megane was out of MOT & had no logbook to get it MOT'd (you need one here for it's 1st if its a mainland car) & the Surf had went on holiday after its trip to Portugal (fuel issue). I needed a car & thought why not. nice looking wee thing with a...
  15. M

    BAT mobile prep. (Black Pearl Porn)

    What about making a new one out of the thin solid metal bits that you'll see on fences and some flat bar???