Snaking and Why We Need Stabalisers

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Weight distribution and decent driving should reduce snaking. Learning how to break the snake is also quite useful too.
Nice simple demonstration though.
You don't NEED a stabilizer. Just load properly and drive properly.

If you notice the car / caravans that crash or roll DO have stabilizers fitted.

ATC helps a lot! But only if get up properly.

No stabilizer or ATC will cope with a badly loaded or driven car/caravan
Bet the caravan club, camping and caravanning club as well as motoring organisations would disagree with you on that Zippy.

Yes correct loading is essential along with driving skills but to give advice that you don't need a stabiliser is not good advice.

Correct loading, driving skills built from training and experience as well as safety devices such as stabilisers is the correct advice.
Well I have to stick my bit in here, you all know it is coming, but I would not use one, any more than I use goggles or a mask when grinding, disk cutting etc, I wear Sandles all day every day and I am in the building industry, I do not wear a helmet when on scaffolding, and have never worn a car seat belt, (full race harness when bangering but that is a different issue), so you may ask why, well I have been about long enough to have seen many who follow the "safety" rules then come a cropper the first time they do something without the kit, and it happens all the time, (oh I will just sharpen this drill, but helmet not to be seen) then off to A & E with eye problems, me I have never used such kit, I know how to grind without getting crap in my eyes, (been doing it since I was 4 years old) I do really feel that people with seat belts on (and cars with side impact reinforcing, air bags etc) drive with less concentration/skill than if they did not have all this "protection" so getting back to the issue here, use anti snake and you get used to it and can become complacent, first time you take an outfit without it you are at risk, when I tow with an unknown trailer I test it out progressively at graduating speeds until I am sure it is stable first sign of a problem and I pull over and reassess the distribution, I have regularly driven with my T2 and car trailer with a LWB T2 on it at over 70 for sustained periods with no hint of a problem and even now do the occasional test at those speeds to try and induce a snake, there I have said my bit and I am sure I will get lambasted for it, but that is what I do and always have, best regards and no intention of stirring up too much, Rick
I agree with what you say Rick, people feel like they're in a safe bubble in their cars with all the new tech... So much so, (Reinforcing your point about driving with less concentration) that the youngsters who have been driving for 5 minutes think that they can handle the automobile and update their Facebook Status! :eek:

Skill is something else we will loose when we become overly reliant on new tech. In this thread it may be stabilisers but for me, its parking aids.

I do enjoy a rear view camera, very handy on my van and I will be putting one on the Patrol in time, but for different reasons! BUT, cameras and reverse sensors on tiny little cars! Seriously?? :confused:

Don't get me started on cars that will parallel or reverse park themselves! :(

As much as I admire and marvel at the tech, I do worry that the next generation wont be able to drive! :doh
Best safety feature in the world would be for all vehicles to be fitted with a large spike in the middle of the steering wheel :lol:lol:lol
I agree with rick,

I taught myself how to tow and how to reverse with a horsebox(you can't see over it). I can competently 3 point turn, reverse park, negotiate hills and corners. I was either towing furniture or horses. horses move anyway & I've had one fall over in the trailer and not take the box and car with it. (just wasn't good on his feet in the trailer, that was a slow journey home). furniture moves if you don't strap it of pack it all properly.

I think its more people forget that they have the caravan on & get a bit galis.

I know my horsebox empty is almost like nothing there.

snaking I've had twice and controlled. one of which was some T**t pulling into my lane and not looking. the other was not paying enough attention

eye pro & gloves I need though....metal likes my eyes and so do chemicals.

good we video though