Birggie's truck

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Supporting Member
Feb 17, 2007
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I spoke to the garage a short while ago, it isn't good news Pete :(

They still seem to think the noise is either number 3 of 4 big end about to let go. As the garage is well over 100 miles from me there is no way I can get over there and have a look for myself.

We have £149 still left in Briggie's fund and I have received pledges from members here who have offered more if we can see a way forward.

There are two options here, either sell the truck as is and try and recoup some of the loss or, see if we can raise enough to source a secondhand engine and get Pete mobile again.

It would be nice to see this one to the end and get Pete back on the road. Due to the distance I can not offer any physical help but am more than happy to put another £25 in the pot.

If anyone else has any other options please do shout up but, for obvious reasons, time is of the essence here.
I've just phoned the guy selling the maverick. He swears the engine is absolutely sweet as a nut :thumbs Anybody live near Hartlepool who can nip over to give it a quick thrash round the block? Wouldn't want to buy another lemon:lol
I suggest we the club and Paul 21 buy it quick sharp and let the garage do the engine swap. We've been quoted £400 to do that:thumbs
That would leave us with the old engine ancillaries to sell off and the remains of the maverick to strip and sell too:sly Set of 5 alloys, wing mirrors, starter ,alternator, diesel pump etc etc
So if a few more peeps would be kind enough to bung a few more quid in the Briggie pot that would help:clap
Anybody needing any spares say so now so we can get those parts allocated too:rolleyes:
I'll buy the steering box;)
I'm off my soap box now, enjoy :D
I'll bung in a score(20)
I'm happy to help any way I can, but I can't add to the pot till Friday. :eek:
i will send the same as last time ........... Bat21 needs to know what to expect in the kitty as soon as poss ............ but i have forgotten the address to send the paypal payment to .....................
Might be silly of me but that e-bay one is a manual and petes is auto, aren't there different settings on the two??? OR have i embarrassed myself?
yes i'd give 15 again, as done overtime sunday :D
Might be silly of me but that e-bay one is a manual and petes is auto, aren't there different settings on the two??? OR have i embarrassed myself?
That's true, but I spoke to Paul earlier , who spoke to the garage who spoke to Paul who spoke to me so I can speak to you:eek::D
That engine is the same but needs various ancillaries transferring etc so we end up with an auto:thumbs I hope :lol
Just a thought, seeing as how we will all be shareholders in Pete's truck we better do a list of when we need to use it. Bit like a timeshare thingy. I bags the first week in August:D:D:D:D
i dont know whether to laugh or cry ,im gutted about sally, i wonder if the engine was foofed ( deliberate missprint ) when i got the truck and fitting the new gearbox brought the problem to life so to speak ? , you lot never cease to amaze me , ive never had this kind of support and help before , its very very humbling to be a part of this group , if i can put my own view in ? ....

the place we sourced the gearbox from has the complete engine with ancillaries ( probably from the same car too ).

if this mav is decided on , how do we get it to the garage ?

im gonna have to save up for a heck of a lot of beers once i finally meet you all :clap
i had tried to raise some money myself towards any repairs by selling some of my radio stuff , ive managed to sell two items so far and have got £35 so far paul is more than welcome to have that as a contribution , a guy is coming at the weekend to look at my uniden 2830 ( its identical to a president lincoln .. jim know what that is ) but mine is quite poorly so is being sold as spares / repair , so thats another possible £30 in the pot , only my stalker 9fdx left then which i love to bits and have had for over 30 years , im hoping to keep that , but if needs must .........

im waiting till saturday to see if the guy buys the uniden then i can put all ive got so far in the pot :thumb2
I just dont know. really i dont.

ok, so the mechanics of the car. we have an engine, this connects to a gearbox that connects to various drive shafts and so on. this is what I propose. If we have to pay the garage, its to examine everthing this new engine and gear box are going to attach to, are all the drive shafts tip top? Diff? brakes? abs? air con? see where i'm going? i'd be beyond gutted if we do something so major as to have anew engine fitted, only for an expensive drive shaft to break and so on... i dont want to be a kill joy, i just want to make sur we make the right decision, because with the sort of money we seem capable of organising we could buy Pete a different on the road vehicle.

i'll put in though if this is what we decide.
i can give a few quid if it helps pete out:thumb2 cant be much as times are hard at the mo:( but every bit helps:thumb2
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