Niggle #1 - click, then no power

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Hmmm, weird one this.

Unlocked my Mav this morning, put the key in, waited for the coil light to go out and... 'click' everything went off on the dash !

Lights wouldn't flash, doors wouldn't lock (although the interior light was still on so there was power somewhere), clock was blank etc.

Fuse gone ? Nope - all look OK.

Wiggled a few things in a 'I know what I'm doing' stylee and had another go.
Dash lights lit up again, coil light went out and after some grumbling the old girl spluttered into life.

Got to work OK and doors locked etc.

First thoughts are a dry joint on the battery terminal.
Any other suggestions ?

Cheers Zippy - I will investigate properly tonight when (if!) I get home.

Cheers - I found this the other day when browsing the workshop PDFs.

Assuming that's what the problem is, yes.

Could it be anything else though ??
YES. but start with the simple CHEAP its first..

pointless fitting expensive new bits when you still got to change the cheap bits to start with.

youll see if its broken as in the download.
i just bought my t2 as a non starter, assumed it was the s/motor so removed front wheel, and thought about batt terminals, earth was fine but as i touched the pos terminal the lead fell away, but everything was working, dash, cent locking etc, the cable is ridged and the vibration from engine had fractured the lead, i just fitted a heavy duty lead and commercial clamps (designed to take heavy duty leads) and all is now working well.:thumb2
Sorted it...

There was a bolt holding a couple of ring terminals onto the positive battery post that was as loose as a loose thing.

Tightened it up and now working perfectly again.

Just got to get all the fluids and filters to keep me busy at the weekend now...