Tractors can be driven by 16 year olds with no road traffic experience. They have to take a test though, and are limited to a maximum width of 2.45 metres imagine that in a country lane.
Where we live we are in the country, and most roads leading to the village are country lanes, we know there will be tractors and horses around the next corner, and drive accordingly, it's these #€*#$¥* townies using our lanes as rat runs that cause the problems.
We find the women riders quite courteous, always wave after we have slowed down, we have one male rider, miserable git, who never waves nods or otherwise, so we don't slow down as much for him. I think he is arrogant, how dare anybody think that he is not in full control of his horse.

Horses should have nappies lol, what a mess they make, for some reason a horse travels several miles and deicides that our drive is the best place to do his first dump.:doh
PS we have great roses, actually fresh is not that good, you want well rotted lol.