had an issue with travellers and my truck (peterborough)

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2015
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not going into details on a public forum but had an issue with travellers trying to take my Nissan patrol on Saturday whilst I was in it and they tried twice, the second time I did feel rather intimidated and concerned as I was on my own... if you are approached in any way just drive away.. The conversation will probably start with could you help me out, and they don't care if its broad daylight in a public place..

Many years ago I had a problem with some Gypsies / Itinerants/Travellers on an illegal site near Burton on Trent, they can switch from the friendly blarney to being very intimidating in a nano second. I had just walked past the site and when I got into my car that was a very old Opel Kadette they started demanding money for parking in the public Lay-by that was the old road before the A38 was built!

Luckily for me I had my dog Snoopy with me and although he was normally a very placid Male German Shepherd for some reason he always hated swarthy featured people. I think he detected a fear scent from me and he suddenly went ballistic towards them for no reason with gnashing teeth and curled lips.

They backed off in shock and I got out of the Lay-by PDQ. It took about 3 years for them to be evicted as they owned the field and had set up a site without any planning consent.
I live for this kind of situation!!!!!

I've got enough things to pull out that car in a second. Scum!!!!!!

In all seriousness, get it reported to the Police :mad:
Report to the police.
And if threatened while in your car, remember your best defense is the car itself.
While living in Brussels I repeatedly had to bump people to get away from similar situations. Not with travellers though, these were "regular" belgian crooks.

Report to the police.
And if threatened while in your car, remember your best defense is the car itself.
While living in Brussels I repeatedly had to bump people to get away from similar situations. Not with travellers though, these were "regular" belgian crooks.

Wow that's not the image of Belgium I have in my head though I have only passed through it on a Train back in 1970 on my way to Krefeld-Urdingen via Cologne to work there for 6 months as a student in a Chemical Plant.
Belgium, generally speaking, is very safe. But in Brussels, just as in any other major city in any country, there are bad spots. I just had the bad luck to live in one of them - main reason why we left Brussels 10 years ago.

That, and the ridiculous house prices...

Have to add that at the time I was driving company cars, which probably caused a lot of jealousy and invited crime (I was obliged to have the company logo prominently displayed on the rear window. Basically telling people: there might a laptop in the boot).
Belgium, generally speaking, is very safe. But in Brussels, just as in any other major city in any country, there are bad spots. I just had the bad luck to live in one of them - main reason why we left Brussels 10 years ago.

That, and the ridiculous house prices...

Have to add that at the time I was driving company cars, which probably caused a lot of jealousy and invited crime (I was obliged to have the company logo prominently displayed on the rear window. Basically telling people: there might a laptop in the boot).

In the UK some "clever" traders have a sign... " No Tools left in this Van Overnight"

Should really be read as... "if it's during the day, this van is full of loads of portable tools that you can steal and easily sell on"..:doh
How stupid can you get lol...
Go on... own up... who has got one of the above signs? and if so do you really remove anything at all, who can be bothered after a long hard day...:eek:

Years ago, a mate of mine had a van, with signs, "this van is fitted with Video Surveillance", he never had a problem. He rarely encountered road rage either.:thumbs
some time ago when I had Tinker & Stumpy, they would not let me leave the house without them, so they were always in the car (T2) unlocked and full of tools, windows were always down a bit and a water bowl on the floor, one day parked up in local hypermarket car park I noticed local rozzers doing the rounds, popped into B & Q, seems they were warning people about leaving goods on view, and placing stickers on widows to that effect, when I came back I had a sticker, but it had been overwritten with, "you have no worries", tinker in particular wound bash her teeth against the glass to anyone near the motor guess they got a bit close, Rick
Lol. Quality.
A mate had his side window smashed and radio nicked a couple of times so he left a note on the dashboard saying "don't bother, haven't replaced the radio again"
Couple of days later his window smashed and someone had written on the same note "just checking"


Lol. Quality.
A mate had his side window smashed and radio nicked a couple of times so he left a note on the dashboard saying "don't bother, haven't replaced the radio again"
Couple of days later his window smashed and someone had written on the same note "just checking"



I would have been so annoyed but would have had to laugh a little too :doh
plumber over the road had a rear window cut out no noise and took his stuff,he asked me to fix it so got a window and rubber from breakers and fitted it for him,asked how much and i said nothing as you have already paid a high price by being robbed.:thumbs