advice/engine noise

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Oct 14, 2011
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thanks folks so far checked fuel line filter no leaks disconnected maf runs worse loads of white smoke, disconnected cps engine stops.Also disconnected connector to no1 injector no difference,still makes noise like two metal objects banged together if pump can anyone recommend anyone to fit/supply in my area.
thanks folks:eek:
thanks folks so far checked fuel line filter no leaks disconnected maf runs worse loads of white smoke, disconnected cps engine stops.Also disconnected connector to no1 injector no difference,still makes noise like two metal objects banged together if pump can anyone recommend anyone to fit/supply in my area.
thanks folks:eek:

odd that your engine stops with no cps, I can unplug mine and it still runs but does not want to pick up revs very well, Rick
Mmm the CPS was replaced when clutch destroyed old one:( no error codes either