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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2009
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Found this on the 'net: :lol

A Yuppie opened the door of his BMW, when suddenly a car came along and hit the door, ripping it off completely. When the police arrived at the scene the Yuppie was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW.
"Officer, look what they've done to my Beemer!!!", he whined.
"You Yuppies are so materialistic, you make me sick!!!", retorted the officer. "You're so worried about your stupid BMW, that you didn't even notice that your left arm was ripped off!!!"
"Oh my gaaawd...," replied the Yuppie. Where's my Rolex?!!!!!"
Funny enough, was in court the other month, cos a dick waited till I was three quarter way past him & he opened his door (he was standing on the outside at the time) which then vacuumed into my back wheel of the bus, taking the door off.. (it was only 2 weeks old) :augie
Funny enough, was in court the other month, cos a dick waited till I was three quarter way past him & he opened his door (he was standing on the outside at the time) which then vacuumed into my back wheel of the bus, taking the door off.. (it was only 2 weeks old) :augie

what a ******, please don't tell me he won owt???:confused:
OHHHHH NO.. He went from owing £300 ish to owing £1200, his insurance & for the court costs, my time out of work .. :lol

Excellent, was he a BMW driver?

One of my pet hates these twats who open doors into your path.

Had one arse who told me i had enough room to swerve around him!!! AND told me he had to open the door to get to this kiddy in the baby seat.

Some time later he left the scene with some very clear guidance on how to park, open his doors as well load and unload ............ oh yes and a ticket.

He was innocent of course and was going to take me to the highest court in the land.

Never saw or heard from him again :lol:lol:lol:lol
Excellent, was he a BMW driver?

One of my pet hates these twats who open doors into your path.

Had one arse who told me i had enough room to swerve around him!!! AND told me he had to open the door to get to this kiddy in the baby seat.

Some time later he left the scene with some very clear guidance on how to park, open his doors as well load and unload ............ oh yes and a ticket.

He was innocent of course and was going to take me to the highest court in the land.

Never saw or heard from him again :lol:lol:lol:lol
Full Story..

The owner of a 2 week old bmw convertible is parked half on the pavement at a bus stop..

As I pull in to let some off, he walks down the car between me & his car, then opens the door to get in.

The door gets sucked into the rear wheel of my bus & blows the window all over him, the door ends up against the bonnet, now not part of his car.

When my accident manager turns up, he tries to give me £100 to say it as my fault.

2 years down the line, I end up in court as he tries to get my company & I to pay for the cost of repairing his car & the cost of the court & his solicitors fee's.

Kept trying to say I was driving to close even though I was pulling into a bus stop, which he was parked on.

Show all the pic's the company had kept & all the other info, then he spat his dummy out & told the judge my days was numbered for a better word.

Judge then spat his out, favoured against him, so he ended up paying, my wages, the cost of the court for the day, our solicitors fees & his insurance excess.

We came out and he was shouting at the top of his voice all the way to the bus station.

Now the best bit for me...
He had come on the bus to court, so my manager phoned through to our depot & noboby would let him on our buses.. :augie
LOL!!! :lol:lol:lol Result!!! :thumbs

That story is even funnier than the joke I found! :clap:clap:clap