Won't start after clutch change

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Jul 10, 2014
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I recently took my 2005 terrano in for a clutch. After it was replaced the mechanic started it up all was good. He turned off jeep to finish up when he went to start again battery went flat. Charged the battery up and now it won't fire up just turns over. I'm wondering if the imobiliser kicks in when battery is flat? Have searched forums and can't find a lot of info. Read somewhere that doors and bonnet need to be closed lock doors and then unlock and it should reset! Anyone out there who can enlighten me? Been in garage few days now so need it back.
Doors must be locked for immob but not bonnet as far as I'm aware :thumbs

Too tricky for me, someone will be along with info shortly :thumb2
Is there a procedure to go through? Or is it a case of lock it with key fob unlock and should be ok? Thanks for replies
I think you have NATs 5 or 6 on that year so I have no idea, Rayf is your man, but it may need to be hooked up to a computer in order to re establish communication between the chipped key and the immobiliser, Rick
Thanks for replies traced problem to knackered crank positioning sensor!!! must have got knocked during clutch replacement