Just walked in from another 15 hour day and totally fed up with this sort of post, Are some getting a kick out of this rubbish?.
The club is staying here thanks to the future new owner and i think you should be saying thank you to him for taking it on.
Because if he had not then i was going to close the membership to all newbies and wind it down over the next year.
So i think you need to say thanks to him (When you know who it is)
Most members realize what’s involved in running this club and some others think you should be here 24 /7 and be there to answer there posts instantly. and be there when they wake up too!
Ok, Like i said i will not be the boss soon as Dadba so kindly keeps reminding us.
When the new person takes over then fine but its not for me to say and if anyone wants to guess then that’s fine but i have not told anyone who it is, Some have tried guessing.
They will tell you when there ready but we need to complete the sale before announcing who it is.
Hope this answers some questions for now.
I have also asked the future new owner if i can stop on as a member so that i can be still be involved and attend meets and rally’s and they have said yes, So i will still be about and have some time off too to do things i want to do in the spare time i will have.