sorry dadba for saying this but it needs saying i think,
it seems to me that you like to be centre of attention when it comes to arguments, this club has seen members like yourself come and go and it survived just nicely without them, if someone does not like the club or the way its ran, then why stop on here or why waste your time replying.
I will for those who have not been here since the start many moons ago, remind you of why and for what type of people this club was started,
it was started for like minded owners of the vehicles this club represents, also for families as well as single people, come that black or white, gay or straight, young or old, it started with a very friendly family enviroment atmosphere and a place to have a laugh!
now all i hear you saying is easy to be a bad guy on here, not have a say due to posts chopped or locked what ever, moan this moan that, it really peeeves me to sit here and listen to such petty trash some people go on about when they start these pointless debates,
i believe the debate has been answered for all and not just one and the majority seem to be happy to go with the flow and wait for the good news to come out naturally!
i appreciate you are a paid up member and you have some right to know whats going on, but me as a tax payer could not pop along to no10 and say oi mate who gonna be the primeminister after you finish next week etc, i would just have to wait and see would you not! IT will all be clear soon!
it's not my problem running the site anymore just that of fixing it! and again this has been said many times in the past, no one knows just how much it takes to run this site and most will never know, its easy to sit back and point fingers and sprout off, just have a thought for the ones who keep this running so everytime you rise from your pits you are able to enjoy the site like everyone else.
you always have the option if you don't like the way the site is run to not rejoin,
but take a look around and see who are still here after all the years, and poss ask yourself why? answer is because they trust the running of the site to those who know what their doing and when they who know what their doing are ready! then they will tell those who don't know what their doing just what is doing ok!
sorry again but seems we have been here before have we not most will remember, gladly not many times before.
thanks to those who support this above and sorry but my opion and mine alone not the admins, is tuff!