what is it with landrover owners

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If build quality got any lower they would all be Sinclair C5's.....

oops that goes onto anther vehicle.... Citreon C5... oh dear who named that car...
i remeber following couple landies in my ol citreom 1.7d bx stuck it on high and she coped as good as theres been different in wet though lol
My mate has a 90, when he saw my T2 he said "Its not a real 4x4 it more of a SUV!" 8O

Well went out on the lanes with him one day, It was before I had AT's on her. He said Follow me incase you get stuck... the cheek of it.

Well went all over the place never got stuck once at the end of the day he said it did well, but it still wasn't a landie. I said it did everything your 90 did just with aircon and comfort :lol: :lol: and for the equivilent car £6k cheaper.

In the time he has ownerd the landie about a year he has had..

Total suspension rebuild £800
Welding on the chassis £250
Steering damper £50
He had to fit rear seats £300
Other bits and bobs £200

My Car has had a new stst £12

The only advantage with landies it there are lots Mods available other than that they seem to be a bit of a money pit.
Oh don't forget the next too days off work with back ache to his costs :lol: :lol:

Jim T

PS I guess we are getting just as bad as them now :lol: but I have to say that I wouldn't mind a pre 1971 landie when the T2 has to go as the Tax is free.
jims-terrano said:
Oh don't forget the next too days off work with back ache to his costs :lol: :lol:

Jim T

PS I guess we are getting just as bad as them now :lol: but I have to say that I wouldn't mind a pre 1971 landie when the T2 has to go as the Tax is free.

To be fair I wouldn't mind a series LR that is Tax free for accasional use, however they are totally different kettle of fish.

I still think give me a choice out of a Y reg T2 and a Y reg Disco, it the T2 every time, much better value for money.
im off down the lanes later and i told mr freelander to come along, he said no as it will get dirty :roll: :lol:

the really funny thing is when i park next to it at work, my bonnets just below his roof line lol
Thing to consider is that without the original Land Rover concept then within the UK the 4x4 scene would never have developed into what it is now, even though parallel developments took place all over the world.

Series LR's, classics, like any other car that old. Capable off road, but that is where they belong. 90/110 models up to the 300 will also be classics in time, but after that LR have in part been forced to loose the plot by management but also emission issues. Plus they have become lifestyle led, with lots of people subscribing to the image but few ever needing a 4x4 in the truest sense.

Re mods, there is a very good school of thought that says a 4x4's capability from the factory is how it should be, the more bolt ons that are needed indicates a deficiency from the factory - ie a LR's lack of steering guard for one.

I've driven with LR's & other jap 4x4's and not been embarrassed by capabilities or luxury of the Terrano. When you see a "other half" who's been sold the "LR's are the best, everything else gets stuck...." tale, and my little SWB T2 keeps up, with comfort & a degree of luxury, then the conversations that occur are funny - is it noisy, are the seats comfy, what do you mean its got air con!!??!! But then some of the mods (rock sliders) are not a luxury, they are almost an essential off road, yet can they be easily got for a T2, no.

There has to be a certain amount of patriotism in the LR scene, certainly, that occurs in most countries where they have a "home grown" 4x4, like our wagons in Spain, for an example. Does make me wonder what will happen to the brand if Tata take over, the newest Defender/Ford engine might not be there if that occurs, what would Tata then put into the vehicle? The hated TD5 engine again, or maybe source somethng else (Isuzu engine like the Aussie LR's maybe?)

Lets not knock LR owners, or their vehicles, each to their own, and when it comes to unsurfaced RoW access we all need to be able to get on together. :smile:

But as a final departing shot, what do you call a LR without any oil leaks?

Empty of oil!!! :lol:
i think tata will use a quality engine in there landy maybe a nissan one lol then theyll be half way descent!!!
jace said:
i think tata will use a quality engine in there landy maybe a nissan one lol then theyll be half way descent!!!

Lets face it, anything would be better than some of the lumps LR have fobbed off on the public in the past!!!!! Got a feeling if this happened it would be with Isuzu engines, as these were fitted to the Aussie and (I think) South African spec vehicles, due to reliability and servicing issues in these countries.
Have I missed summat :?: :?: :?: :?:

What's all this Tata and Land Rover :?: :?: :?: Has Tata bought Land Rover :?: (shudder)

Jim T
Was in the news a while back that Tata were looking to buy Land Rover,haven't hear anything more than that!! :lol:
Might start get more reliable -rotfl-
Ford want rid of LR. They have had interest from Tata, some private equity companies, and others; Tata is, apparently, the preferred bidder.
this thread was never started as anti land rover just the blinkered mentality of a few lr owners,sorry if it was percieved as anti land rover but never meant it to be.
Not a problem, just that we do have some LR owners on here, and in the past threads have bene locked to prevent things getting too personal (maybe).
thread never got personal but the pms i recieved did lol but hey the disco saved lr bacon the transit boys all moaning about engine reliability so maybe ford selling the tata guys a lame duck isuzu sorted there 3.0tdi out now ithink so could be worthwile transplant,believe tata quite big company with plenty cash ......there gonna need it lol