What is Bio Weasel?

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Jun 14, 2012
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So, I am sitting in the truck waiting for Suzanne to come out of the doctors, mindlessly checking Twitter and the forum on my phone, when out of the corner of my eye, I see this elderly gentleman who can barely walk, despite having 2 walking sticks, come out of the automatic doors of the doctors, and set to work negotiating the steps down to the car park. As it is not Suz, I go back to my phone, but become aware of him walking over to the car, and walking very very slowly round the car reading the stickers... I try not to make eye contact, but suddenly there he is tapping on the drivers window.

I switch the ignition on, and lower the window, where he very abruptly asks me "What is Bio Weasel"... A little taken aback by his way of striking up conversation, I go on to explain it is a joke, and how the truck runs on Bio-Diesel, but as we have ferrets, which are often called weasels, its a play on words, all the time thinking to my self there should be a shorter and more succinct way to explain this to people, and actually, it might just be easier to remove the stickers than have to explain them all the time. As I finish, he just says... "I see, and what about the 4x4 response".

Having already worked out he is a man of few words, I go on to explain as succinctly as possible, how we are a group of volunteers who all drive 4x4's and when there are things like floods, storms and snow, help out the local community by transporting care workers, and meals on wheels etc, so they can still be delivered regardless of the road conditions.

He looks me straight in the eye, and says "I see.... so who do I call, and how do I go about arranging for a couple of men to help to move a fridge from my car to my Kitchen?"

By now, Suz has come out of the doctors, and got in the car. I politely explain that that is not really what 4x4 Response do, and then think "oh what the hell, he needs help, and has taken the courage to ask...", so ask him where he lives. He points down the road, and says "you see the house with the overgrown front garden, just there". It turns out, he lives literally 3 houses down from the doctors surgery. I look at Suz, and then say to him, "It's OK, we will do it for you".

Apparently, he has picked up a second hand fridge, which the people he got it from have loaded into the rear of his old car, but he has no way to get it out of the car, let alone through the Jungle to his front door. He can't get to the the side door of the house either, as there is a caravan blocking access to the passageway, which must have been 40 or 50 years old, and almost completely green with moss, even the windows, and has overgrown trees all around and over it. He then explains that the house is a bit of a mess... Not a problem, we are not the tidiest of people ourselves...

Now, when I say we are not the tidiest people, the house is clean, but we seem to have lots of clutter clogging up surfaces, and I have a lot of, "That might be useful one day" type of junk stashed away... but.... nothing in the world could have prepared me for what are about to see, and made our house look like a palace...

Once we snapped off many of the brambles and tree branches, so we had a wide enough path to get the fridge to the house, he opened the front door, explaining he likes to keep it closed as much as possible, to keep the heat in. We stepped in, and two thoughts went through my mind... What heat?, and "Oh my goodness"... You know that program on TV where they go to a "hoarders" house, and try and clear it out... This was worse... I never knew people actually lived like that in real life, and had assumed that while there might be a room or two of junk, it was made to look worse for the sake of "making a good tv program".

Well, now I know differently... There was barely enough room to open the front door, and you had to walk down the hall way sideways as there was so much stuff piled up either side. The two rooms you could see off the hall way were both piled high with black bin bags and cardboard boxes, with just a narrow walkway into one of the rooms, which had a single high backed chair about 5 foot into it, and the rest of the room was just piled to the top with bags. The chair was in danger of being engulfed in a landslide of bin bags.

We get through to the kitchen, and Ironically, the only clear place in the the whole area we could see, was where the fridge was to go, so we put it down, and got it how he wanted it.

He then asked what he owed us... We told him there was no charge, there are kind people who help out Suz's disabled dad all the time, when we are not around, this is our way of giving something back for all their good will, wished him a happy New Year, and got out of there, taking deep breaths of the fresh air, which suddenly seemed so much better than before.

The only thing is, now we can't help but wonder about this guy, is he happy like that, or is it all just beyond him, and could he do with some help... having said that, I would not even know where to start, as it would cost an arm and leg to get skips in to get rid of all that stuff, and I don't think he has a lot, if any money.

All in all, it was very sad...
We had a hoarder couple on our street - in the end, they were evicted from their (rental) house. No idea where they went, but sorry to say I'm happy they are gone.

Did the old guy have actual household waste in those bags, or were they just a way of keeping more junk?
find the tv program and tell them you know where a show could be made then its out of your hands.he might want help or may not.
You's did a good deed:thumbs:thumbs We are the same as you Clive house is clean & tidy but there is some clutter worst from the Son:doh I also have a couple of piles of things which I may need in either my tool cupboard or in the shed but every so often if it hasn't been used it gets binned then often the next week I need what i've chucked out:doh but I couldn't let things mount up like some do:augie Our old neighbour was dreadful as it was below her to put her bin out so the rubbish used to mount up in the garden right upto the kitchen window & covered an 8x6ft area, we ended up with a mouse & rat problem thanks to her & was jumping for joy the day she left:D Spoke to the council workmen & they said inside the house was truly disgusting:augie
Clive be satisfied you both did a good deed, be carefull though you people can latch on to you. The chances are he would live like that whether someone cleared it or not and indeed the chap may get upset if someone wanted to help him clear up.

You did a good turn and you can hold your head up high.
Thanks for the replies guys, I only had a 10min snapshot of his life, so really know very little about him, or even if he is already receiving help. It was a very cold day, but the house was basically very damp, and that was the overpowering smell, rather than rotting refuse. We obviously did not touch anything, but one or two bags attacked us as we lifted the fridge through, and they seemed to be full of plastic containers, paper and drink cans.

Clive be satisfied you both did a good deed, be carefull though you people can latch on to you. The chances are he would live like that whether someone cleared it or not and indeed the chap may get upset if someone wanted to help him clear up.

That is exactly what we were thinking.

The problem is, he has played on our minds since we went there, and while I do not want to be a busy body, I also do not want to think that having seen that he is a vulnerable elderly gentleman, who lives in a cold, damp cluttered house and goes up to complete strangers, inviting them into his house, I did not, at least tip off someone who might be in a position to get him the help/support he needs.

After talking it over with the guys at SE4x4R forum, one of the guys works in a position where he was able to pass over an Email Address that I could pass the gentleman's details on, and let them decide if they need to look into it, or not. I sent the email off, so now at least I feel I have done something.
Clive, I don't think I could have walked away without clearing my own mind that I had actually done something to help him, going forward.
What you have done is enough to start the ball rolling.:thumb2

There are organisations that have community service funds raised locally that might be able to provide voluntary support, and not just financially.
Many many years ago I was a member of our local Round Table, and we raised money and spent it locally. We have cleared gardens, painted and decorated houses, sent terminally ill children and their family on a holiday and over the years seen conditions for children that would make you cry, but at the time we knew who to pass the details onto for further support.
So a good point of contact could be Rotary, or similar organisations and Social Services, etc.
But sometimes you feel frightenened of making things worse, and what we found was that most people were proud, and wouldn't accept help, even though they were actually entitled to it, and more.

What you did was fantastic, and you and your family should be proud of what you have done.
As a member of this forum, I feel proud to know you.:bow:bow
Well done.:clap:clap

Good News, I had a reply to my Email this morning, and he is already known to them, and they are in the process of getting it sorted.

That's good to know, and puts my mind to rest..
Good News, I had a reply to my Email this morning, and he is already known to them, and they are in the process of getting it sorted.

That's good to know, and puts my mind to rest..

That's great news & your email might have got the powers to be to get their finger out a bit quicker