Welding...can I do it ?

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1997 2.7tdi
Club Member
May 6, 2008
Reaction score
I'd like to do some basic welding on my truck. Not sure what kit I need. Mig, tig, arc etc are all words that don't mean much. What do I need ? Would I be able to do some basic welding on my vehicle ?

I've read a bit and seen a bit and am not a bad learner.

Any advice would be welcome.

Mug welding is fairly easy. With a bit of practice you can get good results.
Mig welding for sure and I found it easier using gas with the mig. You can get gas less mig and some are gas and gas less.

I use "argo shield " which is argon co2 mix, take a look at my project thread as theres a phot of my kit.

You can get really small bottles of gas, about 12inch tall but they do not last very long. I got the cylinder for mine for £60 hire and £35 refill, the bottle is mine for as long as I want just like calor gas bottles. It's a brand called hobby weld who have agents all over the country but other companies do same kind of kit. I got a regulator for £35 from machine mart. Bought welder second hand earlier this year from a member on here. The more you practice the better you become but you need someone on fire watch to be safe when welding the car. I use damp towels on inside of car as this seems to supress any flames or sparks.
What Jim says.

I've just picked up a 150a mig complete with gas and reg for £220, I have a basic knowledge and want to practise so what better way than my own truck.

Youtube has plenty of how to tutorials on everything you'll need to know.

Once you've gOT what you need then practise on some scrap till your confident enough to crack on :thumb2
Argon or argon mix produces neater welds than plain co2, co2 is cheaper tho & some fire extinguisher/pub gas places will refill if you have a bottle.

Gasless can be done but produces messy welds......I'm out of gas atm & struggling to find some where to fill the bottle I have in N.I. hence why no new work on the terrano build

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With mig welding as already said the better welds are done with argo shield /coogar 5 gases which is an argon co2 mix, pure argon gives a good weld but when you use it on heavy gauge carbon steel you get a bit of cold lapping. Pure argon for stainless steel aluminium , Preparation is 95% of a good job as rust won't weld. Flux cored/inner shield wires are good especially if your welding out side as a breeze will blow your shield gas away from your weld pool. A series of joined spot welds is the best way to go as trying to put a run together usually results in a blow through then you spend the next 10 mins playing chase the hole. As already said practice as much as you can on similar gauge steel.
In answer to your question, Yes you can weld.. Buy a welder and practice just remember the cheaper the welder the harder it becomes as a beginner, spend £200 or more on the welder and try to get one with a binzel/euro torch you can buy them for that money..

This unit ticks all the boxes,

BLUEMIG BM-150 and has a 2.6 metre euro torch and around £250..

Or BLUEMIG BM-140 T only has 1.8 metre non euro torch only £199..

Both excellent compact machines with superb smooth wire feed units..

Plenty of units out there just budget around £350 to get completely set up with a helmet etc..

YES you can weld just practice mate, it will pay for itself in no time..
Thanks everyone, all really useful information...onto eBay I suppose !!!!
When welding, your truck or any thing on a bench even:augie
make sure there are no carpets or trim that will quickly catch fire and burn your truck down. a mate with a water bottle, or extinguisher fire watching is always advisable.
Weld spatter in the ear or down the shoe can lead to a merry dance amusing your mates but can always be quite serious.
Arc burn is another factor to consider always keep skin and hands covered, rips across the knee of your jeans can lead to comical sun burn but can again be quite serious.
All these things you will learn from practice and experience, as have I:doh.

"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want":thumb2
When welding, your truck or any thing on a bench even:augie
make sure there are no carpets or trim that will quickly catch fire and burn your truck down. a mate with a water bottle, or extinguisher fire watching is always advisable.
Weld spatter in the ear or down the shoe can lead to a merry dance amusing your mates but can always be quite serious.
Arc burn is another factor to consider always keep skin and hands covered, rips across the knee of your jeans can lead to comical sun burn but can again be quite serious.
All these things you will learn from practice and experience, as have I:doh.

"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want":thumb2

This is particularly good advice, thanks. So, no shorts and t shirt then ?!
pop in here sometime and practice with my set up, Rick

Love to have a go,maybe I'll bring my front cross member as a practise ?

Seriously , a bit of guidance would be great and the sort of kit I'd need to buy.

I'll bring some beer to ease the pain afterwards (I'm also a head brewer at a microbrewery).

Can't help thinking that mentioning "that" earlier in the thread may have unleashed more help than you could've shaken a stick at!!!

I'm sure many members hide their light under a bushel.

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