Vote Result 432 v 202

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Aug 20, 2008
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What a nightmare outcome.

If we have to have a general election what party can you vote for that listened to the last democratic referendum vote for us to leave ?

The Conservatives want us to remain.

Labour want us to Remain.

Liberal-Democrats want us to Remain.

Another Victory for vested interests !
Victory for the MP's who want to hang on to their immoral earnings from fingers in the pie, they certainly do not give a stuff for the country, Rick
WTF did anyone expect ?
Cameron needs shooting.
An opinion poll based on propaganda and a comedy red bus, doesn't have any legitimacy, neither is it a legal requirement to be acted on.
That said Maggie May has just spent over 2 years renegotiating herself backwards into the UC queue
I have no answers by the way:lol
Cameron should never have put it on the table and has basically divided the country in a way that will take years to remedy. He should be charged for this.
The Irish question is simple to resolve, but an unlikely option and probably going to cause more problems.
The EU on a grand scale does peovide more benefits than drawbacks, be it financial, social or cultural
Pretty much all politicians are somewhat less than honourable, so it doesn't really matter whether we are part of a larger geographical area in the EU or part of our own smaller UK cess pit of politics.
The conservative Brexit deal has always been a capitalistic breakout that would only benefit the few with having less regulated trading, resulting in widespread damage for the many and greater profits for the few.
The only good news is that for the last couple of years brexiteers have been calling for remainers to get behind the leave campaign in order to make it work. I am sure that they will be behind a remain movement with just as much gusto in order to heal the country and make remain work.
Brexit is dead in the water as no one really wanted it, in its current state, in the first place
The problems with the UE that they can't seem to see !

I am of the view that Cameron only brought up the idea of a Referendum about the EU as the Tories feared the support that UKIP were rapidly gaining, he feared an election defeat with the prospect of real three party politics in the UK for the foreseeable future.

Cameron also wanted to stop any political drift towards what he saw as the right wing extremists of the National Front, including UKIP voters in the same pot.

In my mind the EU is not an efficient free trading block it is a European wide trading Monopoly that is corrupt at the highest level. Had the EU remained as just a "Common Market" that would have been just fine but no the European Parliament wants to control the Laws of all it's Member States including financial control via the Euro plus it has desires to have a E.U. Army !

In an ideal world the EU would recognise the expensive juggernaut it has become and would reform becoming less idealistic in terms of free movement of members, human rights and border control. Thank goodness we did not sign up to the Schengen Agreement.

If the UK is going to be such a poor country if and when we leave the EU then why are Migrants still queueing up to enter illegally risking their lives to flee France and come to the UK ?
Cameron made a right balls of that then, didn't he? The backlash I get for calling out racists is unbelievable. It is not acceptable anywhere, at anytime. I work with immigrants and some of them are plonkers, there are plonkers everywhere, but there is no place for the far right in cluding UKIP, EDL or Britain First. There is too much casual racism in day to day life these days too. It is wholly unacceptable.

I don't understand what you mean about EU being a monopoly. There are elemnets of protectionism in place for a couple of reasons, firstly to protect manufacturing and prevent dumping of cheap junk and secondly to maintain quality. It's a shame we sold of our maunfacturing under the tenure of Thatcher, it was nothing to do with EU. If we had that manufacturing, we too would be benefitting from the higher tariffs and the protectionism. Without the tariffs we can look forward to a future of cheap junk on our shelves.

As for border control and immigration we benefit far more than we lose, we'd be pretty knackered if EU states start repatriating UK citizens. What'll happen when Spain decides that it's closing the reciprocal free health care for the retired in Malaga (and the rest of Spain), for starters?

The NHS is desparate for staff and I see doctors and nurses jumping through hoops in order to work here.

Free movement has allowed people to legitimately work here, their residency cards will highlight what benefits, if any, they can claim.

The number of illegal immigrants are so few that they are hardly worth mentioning, they'll find a way of coming through any way, be them crimionals on the run or refugees seeking protection.

Immigrants are not taking our jobs, no one here wants to do the jobs that immigrants are fillling. They earn money, send some home, spend some here. They make their country wealthier and before you know it there is a whole new generation of customers who'd be buying our cars if we still made the bloody things!

As for corruption, the EU is no more and no less corrupt than our own bunch of charlatans.

Could see this happening from last election. Realistically if you wanted Brexit then you needed a new party to guide it. Perhaps not ukip. Mind they said there work was done when it had only just started.

Have feeling there are many MPs that do want Brexit even no deal but for now are in denial.

In termsrns of ratios what was the confidence vote as that I suspect is as close as the referendum and if raised again might not be a lucky.

Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk
Cameron made a right balls of that then, didn't he? The backlash I get for calling out racists is unbelievable. It is not acceptable anywhere, at anytime. I work with immigrants and some of them are plonkers, there are plonkers everywhere, but there is no place for the far right in cluding UKIP, EDL or Britain First. There is too much casual racism in day to day life these days too. It is wholly unacceptable.

I don't understand what you mean about EU being a monopoly. There are elemnets of protectionism in place for a couple of reasons, firstly to protect manufacturing and prevent dumping of cheap junk and secondly to maintain quality. It's a shame we sold of our maunfacturing under the tenure of Thatcher, it was nothing to do with EU. If we had that manufacturing, we too would be benefitting from the higher tariffs and the protectionism. Without the tariffs we can look forward to a future of cheap junk on our shelves.

As for border control and immigration we benefit far more than we lose, we'd be pretty knackered if EU states start repatriating UK citizens. What'll happen when Spain decides that it's closing the reciprocal free health care for the retired in Malaga (and the rest of Spain), for starters?

The NHS is desparate for staff and I see doctors and nurses jumping through hoops in order to work here.

Free movement has allowed people to legitimately work here, their residency cards will highlight what benefits, if any, they can claim.

The number of illegal immigrants are so few that they are hardly worth mentioning, they'll find a way of coming through any way, be them crimionals on the run or refugees seeking protection.

Immigrants are not taking our jobs, no one here wants to do the jobs that immigrants are fillling. They earn money, send some home, spend some here. They make their country wealthier and before you know it there is a whole new generation of customers who'd be buying our cars if we still made the bloody things!

As for corruption, the EU is no more and no less corrupt than our own bunch of charlatans.


The attached link is one example of what happened when we joined the EU it effectively locked out countries such as New Zealand. It's what Monopolies do they get rid of alternative markets /and fair competition.

I myself am an Immigrant I do not consider it is racist to have Immigration & Border control. We can still have controlled Immigration like we used to have before we joined the EU.

Although it is long gone now Leys Malleable Castings in Derby had a large workforce with all the dirty jobs being done mainly by workers from the Indian Subcontinent. Foundry work was quite well paid but white brits did not want the dirt & hard work involved.

As for corruption within the EU how will we ever know the scale of fiddles as they have failed to ever file a set of audited accounts since it's inception.

I do not think any repatriation is even remotely likely. Some very good friends of ours who are of Polish origin have expressed concern as to their status when we leave the EU I have assured them that they are safe from deportation - they both work in well paid jobs but not for the NHS - they have lived in the UK for over 12 years so can seek permanent leave to remain or apply for UK citizenship if they are in doubt.

I originally voted to join the "Common Market" but voted to leave the EU on just one issue - making and being in control of our own laws. I feel many politicians insult my intelligence when they when they suggest a second referendum as I did not understand the implications of leaving or even worse just assume I am a Racist - something I am not and never have been.