Cameron made a right balls of that then, didn't he? The backlash I get for calling out racists is unbelievable. It is not acceptable anywhere, at anytime. I work with immigrants and some of them are plonkers, there are plonkers everywhere, but there is no place for the far right in cluding UKIP, EDL or Britain First. There is too much casual racism in day to day life these days too. It is wholly unacceptable.
I don't understand what you mean about EU being a monopoly. There are elemnets of protectionism in place for a couple of reasons, firstly to protect manufacturing and prevent dumping of cheap junk and secondly to maintain quality. It's a shame we sold of our maunfacturing under the tenure of Thatcher, it was nothing to do with EU. If we had that manufacturing, we too would be benefitting from the higher tariffs and the protectionism. Without the tariffs we can look forward to a future of cheap junk on our shelves.
As for border control and immigration we benefit far more than we lose, we'd be pretty knackered if EU states start repatriating UK citizens. What'll happen when Spain decides that it's closing the reciprocal free health care for the retired in Malaga (and the rest of Spain), for starters?
The NHS is desparate for staff and I see doctors and nurses jumping through hoops in order to work here.
Free movement has allowed people to legitimately work here, their residency cards will highlight what benefits, if any, they can claim.
The number of illegal immigrants are so few that they are hardly worth mentioning, they'll find a way of coming through any way, be them crimionals on the run or refugees seeking protection.
Immigrants are not taking our jobs, no one here wants to do the jobs that immigrants are fillling. They earn money, send some home, spend some here. They make their country wealthier and before you know it there is a whole new generation of customers who'd be buying our cars if we still made the bloody things!
As for corruption, the EU is no more and no less corrupt than our own bunch of charlatans.