so come on who decides if paul/lynn get jobs adz just dont wanna be bossed around by his mrs so his view on lynn dont count lol
so come on who decides if paul/lynn get jobs adz just dont wanna be bossed around by his mrs so his view on lynn dont count lol
two have departed the mod scene (to join the rockers maybe?) so two spaces so why not paul and lynn even if pauls a hairdresser with a forein acsent lol
we dont believe you show us proof lol! plus shed be able to moderate you before you even got nr the computer lol!
we dont believe you show us proof lol! plus shed be able to moderate you before you even got nr the computer lol!
But Lynn's a ginger bleached blonde :augie :lol
red heads are NICE!
they always miss some near the roots.. just 1mm no idea how they manage to to that though!
two have departed the mod scene
Nobody was hurt.. Just his pride..
First word's he said was "where you come from?"
So I told him Oldham.. :lol:lol
Went right over his head.. :sly
being ginger and being teased for it probibly means shes well aware of how to deal with people so another qualifying feature for lynns "upgrade"lol
ah yes.. "reds" do know the best put downs...
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