vote for a new mod

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Well if you really want a new mod...... there are'nt any ladies so.......
be carefull what you wish for...:augie:)
well why not female mods lynn got a vote earlier so why not yourself lol
so ahve i been misled by TTT we cannot put forward nomminations for people we want as mods,if id have wanted to be a mod id have put my name down instead of paul,im not sure id enjoy some of the company in the mods area and theres to much of my stuff squirelled away in there vaults that id be tempted to re instate so kindve defeats object of being a mod,to call paul a pawn is disrespectfull to paul,he is a member of many forums and has been on here/uknissan4x4 for ages never has a bad word for anybody so just because i nominated him that excludes him?
well why not female mods lynn got a vote earlier so why not yourself lol
so ahve i been misled by TTT we cannot put forward nomminations for people we want as mods,if id have wanted to be a mod id have put my name down instead of paul,im not sure id enjoy some of the company in the mods area and theres to much of my stuff squirelled away in there vaults that id be tempted to re instate so kindve defeats object of being a mod,to call paul a pawn is disrespectfull to paul,he is a member of many forums and has been on here/uknissan4x4 for ages never has a bad word for anybody so just because i nominated him that excludes him?

You DON'T WANT Lynn as a Mod :rolleyes: Trust me :eek: I live with her :augie :lol

Bang on with Paul :bow :thumbs

& just coz I'm blue I won't be going anywhere unless told or asked :thumbs

I think Bat21 needs to put forward the people he wants & let us vote or just ask them & surprise us :thumbs
ha ha well he did used to have an mr2 an aint they hairdressers cars dinks? as for his bus fetish shhh he was trying to keep that a secret lol!
ha ha well he did used to have an mr2 an aint they hairdressers cars dinks? as for his bus fetish shhh he was trying to keep that a secret lol!
Sold the MR2 Cos of you.. :sly :p
And as for buses.. what can I say.. :rolleyes:
as a bus driver have you had public relations training ?
an exelent quality for a mod on here-how to deal with angry/unruly customers lol
Right how many mods on here,also how often do they visit.Whats the point of mods who only promote other clubs.
buses .. hmmm arent they those big things that chop you up by suddenly and without warning pulling out ? :augie:p:lol
Briggie, this happened to me just before Xmas, lad in the car didn't look down the bus lane & pulled out..

Bus 1..

Saxo 0..

Nobody was hurt.. Just his pride.. :rolleyes:

First word's he said was "where you come from?"

So I told him Oldham.. :lol:lol

Went right over his head.. :sly