voltage still high?

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2010
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Happy new year guys :thumb2 havent been on in a while as the computer has been away for repairs if only it was as reliable as mistral :rolleyes: lol anyhow i replaced the alternator with a new one from milners but the voltage is still a bit high and it is still chaging down a gear when the right hand indicator is switched on,is there another voltage regulator somewhere?Anybody know where it is and will this part have to be bought from nissan as i am going to the dealer next week to have a look at a Juke for the wife so could get one orderd up.


Stuart :)
Happy new year guys :thumb2 havent been on in a while as the computer has been away for repairs if only it was as reliable as mistral :rolleyes: lol anyhow i replaced the alternator with a new one from milners but the voltage is still a bit high and it is still chaging down a gear when the right hand indicator is switched on,is there another voltage regulator somewhere?Anybody know where it is and will this part have to be bought from nissan as i am going to the dealer next week to have a look at a Juke for the wife so could get one orderd up.


Stuart :)

what do you call high ??
check for poor earth connections somewhere for gear problem, does indicator work ok???

Its 13.2v at idle and under load it is 15.7v yes the indicator works fine but every time the indicator bulb lights up itl drop a gear then when the bulb goes off itl go back up a gear so when the indicators on the truck is kinda pulsing the revs in time with the indicator does that explanation make any sense?:confused:
check earths on indicator first, front and back, and at major earth terminations
and battery connections/terminations
15.7 is far too high for a car 14.8 is nearer the norm, are you measuring this at the battery or on the alternator output, you need to check all the main earth connections no good just looking at them, take then off clean them up and put em back, after starting how quick does the voltage rise? Rick
i have a volt gauge wired up in the car it comes of the feed for the fag lighter i have checked at the battery and its the same there aswell,i made a new earth when i replaced the alternator so any ideas where the others are?I was thinking it would more likley be regulator than an earth as the voltage is high all the time?The voltage up after maybe 10 or 20 seconds.
Try a different battery as it may be demanding to much current from alternator , It's worth a try just to illiminate. but it sounds like a wiring fault on the indicator loom. this might be a pain to find, does it feel like the kick down at all when you indicate right?
The voltage went a bit mental for a few days then the alternator failed i suspected it was the voltage regulator on the alternator that had failed but having doubts now,also when at idle withe the headlights on if i rev the engine the lights get brighter and the same happens with the heater fan it will blow harder with more revs applied?
Yes it does feel a bit like kick down also feels a bit like when you switch the overdrive off and on aswell i think i might book in to an auto electrician i hate electrics!
Thats normal but slightly exaggerated due to your voltage being higher than normal.
Ok so the lights and fan thing is normal yeah?
yeah, sounds like a wire may of rubbed through in the loom some where as they dont have anything to do with each other the indicators and gearbox that is. i would remove the cowling from around the steering colum and do a visual around the indicator switch and try and follow the wiring abit and see if you can see any damage.but do just try another battery and use a multimeter at the battery for voltage check.
Ok thanks for the info guys i will try a few things and report back any findings,


i have a volt gauge wired up in the car it comes of the feed for the fag lighter i have checked at the battery and its the same there aswell,i made a new earth when i replaced the alternator so any ideas where the others are?I was thinking it would more likley be regulator than an earth as the voltage is high all the time?The voltage up after maybe 10 or 20 seconds.

if you are getting 15.7 after 20 seconds then I would suspect the battery for low capacity and internal resistance problems, Rick
I will try a battery change tonight and see what happens.Its blown another set of head light bulbs again last night this is getting expensive lol i take it the reson its eating bulbs is because of the high voltage through the system?