Veg oil ???

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Is there a way of checking this without actually dismantling everything as I'd love to know if I have one or not :thumb2

I didn't need to dismantle anything. socket on a extended bar is just a do. The banjo bolt is on the top on mine and the filter was inside the bolt/threads. Looked ok but I still ripped it out.
Same here for getting the bolt undone, but my mini filter was a tiny basket filter surprisingly deep down in the pump. I made a tiny hook on the end of the piece of metal usually used to reinforce a wiper blade - long enough to reach without removing anything.

Also, I got a extending magnetic stick to help position the bolt back into the pump as that's a whole load harder than getting it out.
Is there a way of checking this without actually dismantling everything as I'd love to know if I have one or not :thumb2

Now I have looked further into it, there is a lot of conflicting info..

This thread said after 1997 to 1998, but them gets contradicted further down.

Other threads imply, if you do not have the EGR, then you also do not have the mini filter, and others seem to imply it's the actual make of the pump...

What I do not understand though, is the mini filter is just a bit of gauze right at the end of the fuel circuit, and before that in the cct, you have a proper fuel filter, so how would muck ever get to the Banjo mini filter in the first place?
Theory I had heard was that in the early days the main fuel filter was a paper based product and if left too long could start to break down, hence the need for a mini mesh filter as a last line of defence.

Dunno if that's true or not, but I think most of them left the factory with some sort of pump filter at the banjo, but over the years many have had them removed, either on purpose, or like me, when removing for cleaning/inspection, I dropped it never to see it again!

With a extension on your socket nowt needs to be undo to get the banjo out and go digging for the filter. The tiny basket was a surprisingly long way down inside the pump, to the point I initially would have sworn there wasn't one there. When I finally lost it underneath somewhere, revs jumped up above 3000 without an issue on fast roads and definitely receive a bit more kick out of the old gal as she was getting partially starved of fuel before.
Which oil do I need veggie

best place to get it any where cheaper than deisel, bookers is 18.19 / 20 lts

Is it legal yes

will it do damage no

Do I need to add any thing to it ??? buy it

Any help would be appreciated john. any good

Hi again, when I start to use veg again and mix with a little petrol or diesel do I need to mix the veg oil and diesel before putting it in the truck to make sure it's mixed nice ? Thanks again. John
Hi plank, I see you also have a 2004 terrano, do you have any problems with the oil mate ?

none at all, just come back from seven weeks of towing a 1700k caravan, right up the welsh coast from place to place and over lots of mountains, almost 2000 miles in total and about half the fuel used was rapeseed oil! not a 50/50 mix sometimes almost 100% sometimes 10% depending on the availability. And it's not the first T2 i've run on SVO, despite what anyone says you don't need to change any filters (unless they are already filthy) and the only issue I have had is changing the leak off pipes on both cars, cots a fiver for the kit from your local motor factor and all you have to do is take the intercooler off and there they are!
i have an 03 plate 2.7 that i purchased in february this year. i have stuck 14000miles on the clock in this time building up from a 50/50 mix to a 85/15 just lately. it runs fine, i have not changed any filters(i havnt had time for one thing), its running great if not quieter infact. costco 16.79 for 20 ltrs ktc, i have run other cars on veg oil too, i do not subscribe to the rapeseed theory, oils oil :thumb2:thumb2:thumb2
its not for every car from what i have gathered over the last x amount of years, some will perform without problems, others will stutter and smoke(from my exp with old vdubs/pugs). go 50/50 and build up, good luck and check your cv gators!
rapeseed oil is without a doubt the best to use if you can get it, it stays liquid at quite low temperatures (put some in the fridge) KTC on the other hand turns to a lump pf lard very quickly in cold weather and does smoke and chug a bit more.

I have always wondered about the building up thing, is it for our own confidence? I tried a little bit first too, but it won't hurt to just bang a tankful in there :thumb2

but, you do do this at your own risk! I have had no issues and I have never heard of any in a Bosch fuel pump T2, but i'm not taking the blame lol
Hi again, when I start to use veg again and mix with a little petrol or diesel do I need to mix the veg oil and diesel before putting it in the truck to make sure it's mixed nice ? Thanks again. John

Mix in tank
Mix in tank

yep, just pour it straight in :thumb2

I am a tight git and sometimes wash the containers out by pouring a little petrol in and shaking it, as a lot of oil clings to the sides!
Yep, with SVO, slug it all in and petrol/diesel will mix without any shaking of the car, but driving around like a loon to 'mix it a bit' is a bit fun, especially when you've saved so much on a tank full.
yep, just pour it straight in :thumb2

I am a tight git and sometimes wash the containers out by pouring a little petrol in and shaking it, as a lot of oil clings to the sides!

Feck me thats tight lol

I save the last bit and top up the fryer
I have been known to grab the roof bars at the petrol station to mix the RUG and SVO. But I really dont think its necessary when it will be swishing around in the tank
answer is plank, dont run 100% in freezing conditions without a twin tank system, so in real world temps ie above 5 degrees it doesnt matter about it freezing on a window sill, add a bit more derv/petrol for the climate. as i said, all engines aint the same, some do, some dont... if its cold only a dick would run above 80%mix without expecting trouble? these engines run on any oil, its about the balance :thumb2
Just an update, I went up to farmfoods and got myself 8 tubs of oil at a cost of £72.50 with my cheeky little coupons and put 4 straight in the tank. Driving fine and smells fooking lovely. What temps do I need to think about mixing petrol with it and how much to say 20 ltrs of oil ??? Thanks again. :thumb2

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