Hb not wishing to be argumentative but how can you ruun them at factory settings? there are none! The Nissan/ford settings are for standard tyres and in any other size therefore makes this info obselete?
I agree making people aware is good, but where non standard wheels and tyres are used the factory settings 'as i said' dont mean anything.
i tend to go for the middle of the raod between the factory loaded and unloaded settings when there is a choice. On commercials i tend to go for the top end of the recomendations for better performance under load, and on a 4x4 lower down the range for better grip.
To high pressure in the rear, (i think 35 psi was siggested) will surely make the back end a bit bouncy and lively in the wet? especialy when only the driver is in the car. Not tm mention poor off road ability.
it is also worth remembering a T2 has a good load carrying capacity, so a small trailer and/or the weeks shopping does not constitute fully loaded!
Some people advocate extra pressure in the rear for caravan towing, again, there is not much nose weight, and from experience i have found the caravan is more stable with a lower rear tyre pressure, that goes for the caravan tyres too! beware of over inflation of the rears it improves nothing!
think of it like this, the wieht of the engine is over the front, and that is heavier than virtualy anything you will put in the back!
anyway HB its about time we had a bit of a 'disagreement' people will be thinking we have started to get along :lol: :lol: :wink: