Two Stroke in Diesel

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2004
Whats this Ive heard mentioned about putting two stroke oil in the fuel tank?

Why and how much? Is it a particular sort of oil or just any old two stroke oil.
Mineral only (not synthetic) at a ratio of 200:1 so in my 95l tank I put just over 400ml.

Makes everything burn cleaner and you'll notice the engine is quieter than on pure diesel. It may also give a slight increase in mpg in some cases.
Whats this Ive heard mentioned about putting two stroke oil in the fuel tank?

Why and how much? Is it a particular sort of oil or just any old two stroke oil.

Been doing it for months now, the 2 stroke helps replace the sulphur that is missing in modern diesel which also acts as a lubricant:thumb2 Have found the engine is quieter (manly the IP) MPG seems to have gone up a tiny bit & it's not kicking out as much soot now. From everything i've read on it 2 stroke oil also helps to remove carbon build up inside the engine, ratio is 200:1 but if you put in 2 stroke oil into the search bit you'll get up loads of threads on here about it with links to other forums on the subject:thumbs
What about mot time, how does it effect emmissions?

It all sounds very positive:thumb2
I've just done this. Full tank of fuel and 400ml of 2 stroke so let's see what happens
I have been using it for a while and have noticed a reduction in soot deposits on my caravan when towing.
If the mix ratio is 400:1, how much (in mls) 2 stroke would that be to a 90l tankful (maths never was my strong point!)
If the mix ratio is 400:1, how much (in mls) 2 stroke would that be to a 90l tankful (maths never was my strong point!)

90 Litres at 400:1 would be 225ml

But... firstly, unless your tank is bigger, My T2 only had a 76litre tank, and secondly, all the posts say 200:1, which would be 450ml for a 90litre tank.

Basically, when you add fuel to the tank, take the quantity of fuel you put in, e.g. if you put in 55litres, convert that to ml, but multiplying by 1000, making 55000, then divide by the ratio, e.g., 200:1, 55000/200 is 275ml.
If the mix ratio is 400:1, how much (in mls) 2 stroke would that be to a 90l tankful (maths never was my strong point!)

Ratio is 200:1 bud.

In a 90l tank that'll be 450ml. For my Trol with it's 95l tank I should be utting in 475ml but I just go by the scale on the side of the 2 stroke bottle and put in between 400 and 500 ml - would suggest you just do the same :thumbs
When the car gets old and get a lot of milage, the dieselpump wears. Spesially if you'r area has a lot of winter diesel. (They add more paraffin and other stuff in the winter diesel that dries out the seals and outer components) So with time the fuelpump don't get the same lubrication and the seals leak more, the the pump struggle to maintaine the pressure.
With a hint of two stroke oil (mineral or syntetic dosn't matter, but mineral is cheaper) in the fueltank, the two stroke oil lubricates the pumpe better and help the dieselpressure.

There is no scientific answer for the mix ration.
If it's been a while since i have used two stroke oil in the tank, i start with 2-3dl in the first tank and take less and less for each tank until i reach 0,5-1dl and stick with that.
This is roughly, but about a small cup at start and a half a cup for the rest.
All diesel engines. The two stoke oil (Important that it is two stroke oil) is just helping the pump since the diesel is "rough" for the diesel pump in longterm use.
It's just helping the pump.

Think of it like greasing up the joints. (or in the bed with the ladies) it all needs some extra lube sometime ;)
2T oil

Yep I am a fan of using 2T oil I buy a cheap one from Wilkos or Morrisons I also use it in the Santa Fe 2.7 petrol when we go to France.

Used it for 39 years used to use Redex but it became very expensive and a friend of mine in the oil testing industry advised me to use self mixing two stroke oil as its virtually identical at a much lower cost.

I treat mine roughly every fourth tank full of fuel and I always notice the benefit. Small increase in mpg almost pays for the 2T oil !!
Yep, I get the lawn and garden two stroke oil from halfords, it's the cheapest I could find. :D

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