Correct we have no mains services at all, my current battery bank is almost ten years old and in the early days we drew a lot more power than we do now and the charging system was not as good either, this has led to more than normal deterioration of the bank, both have been addressed and together with 1600 watt hour solar pv and controller we have minimised the generator run time, led lights and a wood burner have made an enormous difference, but as the batteries are of the age they are we can only last two days without recharge (sun accepting but cannot be relied upon) so new bank purchase which will give a usage when we are not here of around 14 days, of course we have family who can call in and monitor and if need be start the genny, such is off grid life, but no power cuts for us and a quality inverter has been going for years, derve costs for a year charging and water heating between 300 and 500 per year, no other bills aside from council tax, oh and the 1975 genny will happily run on a mixture of old engine oil and red derv, the good life? Rick