I've towed my boat on it's 4 wheeled trailer, overall length 26 feet and weighing about 2 tonnes, ie same as my Mav.
As the trailer wheels are further back than a Caravan of a similar length, and the boat is more stream lined, it tows as straight as a dart.
In fact it "tries" to cruise at 70 mph
so you have to be more mindful and keep it to 60 mph, takes quite a concentration to keep it at that.
Any idiot can tow a trailer at high speed, it's when something goes wrong there is a problem.
The brakes on a trailer rely on the over-run principle, and if the set up is not in a perfect straight line when braking, then the trailer can overtake the car, ie jack knife. Worse on wet roads. I won't even consider ice or snow !
That's assuming that the brakes on the trailer have been serviced correctly, and not that the handbrake sort of works.
An MOT for a trailer/caravan.... could that happen ? :nenau
If the trailer brakes were independant and were controlled directly, eg say air brakes like on an artic, then this would me a much safer set up.
Having said that, the maximum legal speed is 60 mph for an artic on a motorway, 50 on dual carriageways, and ONLY 40 on single carriageways.
And the drivers of these vehicles have more driving hours than most caravan owners.
I rest my case.......:thumb2
Having driven down the A14 and A11 hills ( What hills you say? ) towards roundabouts, it is then you realise how long it takes to stop this type of rig, even on a dry road, especially when some ***** pulls into your lane and starts braking for the roundabout. "We have a new crumple zone in front"
So you have to be more aware of what is around you, and where the escape route is.
The middle lane of a motorway doing 60+ mph is not a safe place to be, although you sometimes have to overtake lorries that are limited to 56 mph.:doh
The driving test does not test the towing rules directly, you can get this bit wrong and still pass your test.
Maybe that's why I have been overtaken by a car and trailer in the third lane doing 80+ mph MANY TIMES
Even a 40+ foot glider trailer.....behind a small car.
Use the speed cameras to check on trailer speeds, and ( Going into song now.....
"Book em All"
"Book em All"
"The long and the short and the tall....."
Add your own verse here..... :lol :lol :lol
Basic towing advice.
Allow enough time for your journey.
Think twice before overtaking.
Make sure your car and trailer are fully serviced.
Plan your route, avoid steep hills, and narrow roads.
Don't overload the trailer/caravan.
Don't fit a stabiliser just to control an unstable load.
Get the hitch weight in the right region, see vehicle handbook.
The trailer and vehicle should be level.
Don't drive while tired or grumpy.
Take regular breaks.
Drive to the conditions, don't speed.
Have an escape route.
Keep your distance.
Have suitable mirrors that allow you to see past your trailer/caravan.
Make sure all lights work on the car and trailer/caravan.
Try to anticipate idiots, shouldn't be too difficult if you assume everyone is an idiot other than you.
Lots of other advice....